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Michigan Government
The Politics of The Plan: The Michigan Republican Wish List Starts With Stabenow’s Senate Seat
On March 14, 2011 the Michigan 15th District Republican Party held a fundraiser in the heart of Ann Arbor, at Weber's. The sold-out event, attended by some 385 people, was organized by 15th District Republican Party Chair Margy Van Houten,…
The Politics of Spin: U of M President Touts Belt-Tightening to State Lawmakers
Dr. Mary Sue Coleman is smart. That goes without saying. She does have a Ph.D., after all. She's also clever. Her recent act in front of the Michigan State Legislature was a performance that the Academy should recognize next year with a…
After 2 Months in Office, Gov. Rick Snyder’s Approval Rating Tanks
Newspaper editorialists and political pundits have praised Governor Rick Snyder for not attacking Michigan's public-sector union employees, or like Wisconsin's Governor, trying to restrict collective bargaining on the part of public-sector…