Submit Letters and Op-Eds

The A2 Independent is the only award-winning, locally-owned and operated weekly newspaper in our city. Everyone is invited to get involved. Share perspectives, share your opinions, engage your neighbors. Doesn’t matter if you’re in high school, college, a young professional, retired or somewhere in between.

There’s no one more qualified or better prepared to write about Ann Arbor than community members who are interested in what’s happening on a given day. We welcome letters to the editor, essays and opinions on most any subject of local interest. Keep it civil. Keep submissions under 1,000 words. Email us.

If you are an experienced writer, we want to hear from you. Doesn’t matter if you’re in high school, college, a young professional, retired or somewhere in between. We welcome unsolicited news articles, reviews of books written by local authors, opinion pieces and essays about local issues. We also welcome pitches by experienced journalists interested in investigative reporting. Email us.