LETTER TO THE EDITOR: A Guy Walks Into a Barber Shop

I recently read a column in your February 14, 2015 edition that deeply offended me as a customer, friend and community stakeholder in the article’s mean-spirited and unfair characterization of Rush’s Barbershop, and its beloved proprietor Mr. Johnnie Rush.

Author Brent McDermott insulted not only Mr. Rush, but also many others like myself who know Johnnie as a living legend in the Ann Arbor community. We know him as a business owner who maintains high standards of service and respect for all customers and visitors to his shop.

Mr. McDermott used broad strokes about his personal issues to misrepresent Mr. Rush with statements like “you could hear a pin drop, I’m a white guy and could see five sets of eyes (six if you count the picture of Johnnie Cochran, on the wall) trying to figure out why I was there.” The writer appears to have some ulterior motive(s) by the sarcastic and a seemingly racial undertone of something as simple as walking into a barbershop.

There are several other inaccurate and unfair conclusions and statements made by McDermott. By the way, the only picture of Mr. Cochran is on the cover of a book on a magazine table that holds current issues of magazines such as Time, Ebony, Forbes and even the New York Times.

What you will find on the walls at Rush’s are pictures of all the U.S. Presidents. You will also find many pictures of events, people who have made contributions to Ann Arbor, and other American icons. You will also see numerous awards and acknowledgements that Mr. Rush has received for his lifelong efforts to uplift our city.

Clearly, Mr. McDermott gave little consideration to the many people who know what a great establishment Rush’s Barbershop and Hair Styling truly is. You are always welcome to come in and enjoy coffee, desserts and candies that Johnnie offers daily to anyone visiting his establishment.

Mr. McDermott, and The Ann Arbor Independent owe Mr. Rush, and his family, friends and customers a sincere apology and a retraction of Mr. McDermott’s inaccurate an irresponsible reporting.

Larry L. Davis

Ann Arbor

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