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Michigan Government
The Sleeping Giant Awakens: Michigan Education Association To Back Snyder Recall Efforts
A2P Notes: This is filed under "Scoops & Scores" because you read it here first!
Michigan Education Association spokesman Doug Pratt told A2Politico recently via email that the MEA was not endorsing the citizen-led efforts to recall…
House Calls: Michigan State Representative Jeff Irwin Talks About Tenure Reform
Representative Jeff Irwin, a Democrat, served for a decade as a Washtenaw County Commissioner. In January 2011, he began his first term in the Michigan House of Representatives. In his regular column, House Calls, A2Politico will pose a…
Rev. Jesse Jackson Slams Michigan Gov. Snyder For “Trampling Democracy”…in Chicago (Not Detroit) Newspaper Op-Ed
You have to wonder: Did the Reverend Jesse Jackson submit his op-ed piece to either The Detroit News or the Freep before he shot it off to the editors of the Chicago Sun-Times? Did the editors of those two Michigan papers take one look at…
How the Mighty Have Fallen: Snyder’s Approval Ratings Have Fallen the Furthest of All GOP Govs
A2Politico has been tracking the approval ratings of Michigan's Republican Governor Rick Snyder. In November 2010, Rick Snyder breezed past Democratic candidate Virg Bernero, and won the race for governor with 58 percent of the vote. After…
Savaged: Ann Arbor Resident, Catholic Nun, & 26 Others Slap Gov. Snyder With Suit Alleging Emergency Manager Law Unconstitutional
by Chris Savage
As I have written about before, the Emergency Manager (EM) law in Michigan, now known as Public Act 4 of 2011 (or, more formally the "Local Government and School District Fiscal Accountability Act"), gave sweeping new…
Gov. Snyder: Your Child Can Be Educated For $6K Per Year, But $20K Per Year Not Enough To Educate My Kid
The mainsteam media have finally picked up on the fact that Rick and Sue Snyder's child attends a private school in Ann Arbor, Michigan called Greenhills School. The timing of the light bulb moment was almost too perfect. Shortly after…
Influential Right-Leaning Political Analyst Declares Snyder’s Governorship A “Failure” In Washington Post Op-Ed
The Left has been screaming since Rick Snyder presented his budget. Then, when Snyder proposed deep cuts to education to "reinvent" Michigan's economy, Independents started in on the Governor's "vision for Michigan." Just a few days ago,…
Did Michigan’s Booth Newspaper Co. Coordinate An Editorial Attack Against Grassroots Recall Groups in June?
The FCC recently came out with an extensive report concerning the state of American media. In the Executive Summary, FCC researchers write:
Yet, in part because of the digital revolution, serious problems have arisen, as well. Most…
Savaged: Throwing Down With Recall Naysayers Starting With Liberals Like Jack Lessenberry
by Chris Savage
There's a certain sort of comfort one can get by being a political commentator who stands on the outside looking in on the political machinations of society. Removed from the fray, one can wax eloquent about what others are…
Snyder Tied For Title of Most Unpopular Governor in the United States
Think of it as the political Miss U.S.A. contest. The swimsuit competition. The catwalk. The talent competition. Then, the judges vote. In this case, the judges are, literally, voters, and millions of them are suffering some serious…