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City Council
Keeping Tabs—Locals to Watch in 2015: #a2council
Julie Weatherbee—U-M IT Systems Trainer, wiles away Monday evenings on Twitter commenting on City Council mmetings.
Julie Weatherbee is, in turns, clever, funny, acerbic, rude and politically nerdy. Twice monthly, she watches City…
Annual Retreat Reveals Council Members’ Priorities for Ann Arbor Out of Step With Residents’ Priorities
by P.D. Lesko
At their annual retreat last week, Ann Arbor Council members shared what they want Ann Arbor city government to focus on, and how the members, who are politically divided, can work together to get the job done in the coming…
Let the Dysfunction Games Begin? Vote to Exclude CPA From Budget Committee, Repetitive Pleas for Concision
The Dec. 1 City Council meeting included members grappling over their own rules, a failed floor motion to put Council’s only CPA on the group’s Budget & Labor Committee and a lengthy debate centered around limiting members’ speaking…
Ann Arbor League of Women Voters’ Hosting Candidate Forums
WITH LESS THAN a week before the deadline to register, The League of Women Voters (LWV) is reminding all Michiganders that their voices are important and if they haven’t registered to vote yet, now is the time. The last day to register to…
Owner of MEDC Media Contractor Gave Late Donation to Democratic Mayoral Candidate Taylor
PAUL SCHUTT IS the co-founder and co-CEO of Issue Media Group—a Detroit based media company which creates a number of online magazines including Ann Arbor’s Schutt gave a late donation to mayoral candidate Christopher…
Westphal Defeats Kaplan in Ward 2 City Council Race—Council Focus Will Continue to be Development and Downtown
WHILE THE CITY’S bankers, lawyers, developers, rich and influential poured over $75,000 into the mayoral primary election campaign of Ward 3 Council member Christopher Taylor, the balance of power on City Council hung in the balance of…
Kailasapathy Defeats Challenger in Ward 1 City Council Race
SUMI KAILASAPATHY WON re-election to her Ward 1 City Council seat with 57 percent of the vote on Tuesday. She took nothing for granted in her run against Ward 1 neighbor Don Adams, Jr. She went out nightly and knocked on doors, participated…
Ward 1 Council Candidates: Sumi Kailasapathy and Don Adams, Jr.
POTENTIAL CONFLICTS OF INTEREST: Sumi Kailasapathy is not employed by U-M. Her husband is employed as a faculty member at Eastern Michigan University. She accepted a $500 donation from a local developer. Her employer is not a city…
Ward 3 City Council Candidates: Bob Dascola and Julie Grand
“I WILL FIGHT for you as hard as I fought to get on the ballot,” said Bob Dascola in his closing statement at the League of Women Voters debate. Dascola faces two other Democrats in the primary election: Julie Grand and U-M student Sam…
Mayoral Candidate: Two Interviews With Sally Hart Petersen—Then and Now
"I am running for Mayor of Ann Arbor because it is time for new leadership, new knowledge, skills and abilities to leverage the economic growth ahead of us into improved city services for all residents."—Sally Hart Petersen