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Time is Running Out to Address Michigan’s Population, Prosperity Decline
by Rick Haglund
Beginning a column with a cliché is considered a sign of unimaginative writing. But the old tale of the boiled frog almost perfectly describes Michigan’s demographic and economic plight.
It’s said that if you drop a!-->!-->!-->!-->!-->…
DTE Peak-Hour Pricing Plans Are Seriously Flawed
by Jason Hayes
Michigan’s big utilities, including DTE Energy, claim that their summer peak-rate electricity pricing plans are designed to “reduce energy use.” But a recent Stanford University study appears to show that the!-->!-->!-->…
Expenditure of Mental Health Millage Money to Fund Sheriff Candidate’s Run for Office Must End
by P.D. Lesko
Over the past months, I've received photos of Derrick Jackson's face plastered on the side of Ann Arbor buses and Jackson's face plastered on billboards along I-94, ads paid for with Mental Health Millage money and funds!-->!-->!-->…
Michiganders Pay High Rates for Unreliable Electric Service
Michigan residents pay outsized rates for some of the least reliable electric service in the country.
by Jason Hayes
The February ice storm that struck the state of Michigan took out the electric utility services of as many!-->!-->!-->!-->!-->…
Right to Work Repeal Puts Politics over Michigan’s People
by Mark Mix
Michigan’s Right to Work law defends the simple principle that union bosses should not have the power to get workers fired if they choose not to pay dues to a union they oppose. So what do Michiganders have to gain if state!-->!-->!-->…
Whitmer Copies the Failed Corporate Giveaway Initiatives of Her Predecessors
by Jaime A. Hope
From green energy to college credits, Whitmer plays the classics from the Snyder and Granholm eras
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has a habit of repeating some actions of her immediate predecessors, despite their problems.
DTE Can’t Tree Trim its Way to Reliability
After ice storms and thundersnow cause mass outages, DTE must admit: Burying power lines underground is the answer
By James David Dickenson
DTE will never trim enough trees to avoid mass power outages in Southeast Michigan.
My Public Questioning of Washtenaw County Government’s Serious Ethical Lapses Led to Threats
by Monica Ross-Williams, MBA; LIA - Organizer for Citizens for Ethical Government in Washtenaw County
Please note: I requested no meeting of any sort with Mr. Billy Cole. His claim that I did in the podcast audio clip linked to here is!-->!-->!-->…
A2Politico: Where I Live, They’re Using the “Neighborhood Character” Dogwhistle to Fight ADUs and STRs
by P.D. Lesko
Since Sept. 2021, the Board members of our Homeowners Association have been trying to force us to stop using our city-licensed, owner-occupied short-term rental (STR). These Board members have "concerns." It bothers them!-->!-->!-->…
Don’t Repeal Michigan’s Right-to-Work Law
by Matt Leen
Do the union bosses think Michigan citizens are stupid?
How else would you explain their push to repeal Michigan’s state Right to Work Law, which for the last decade has empowered Michigan workers to choose whether or!-->!-->!-->!-->!-->…