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The Foodist: Pickled Peppers
by Ari LeVaux
Sometimes the truth takes a moment to sink in before finally ringing true. Like when Chloe suggested that a sandwich is basically America’s version of sushi. At the time I happily took it as a compliment on the chicken…
A2Politico: Superior Twp. Residents Deserve More Than Middle School Conflicts From Gov. Officials
By P.D. Lesko
Campaign workers are expected to stay 100 feet from the entrance to the polling place. Candidates may not hand out their campaign literature within a polling place. However, there is no Michigan election law that precludes…
Ramen: Greening It Up
by Ari LeVaux
Who among us doesn’t have a trick or two up their sleeve for when they make instant ramen? A vegetable or egg in the pot, your special sauce or powder, and if you’ve got some game perhaps a garnish on top. All…
Garlic: The feisty taste of freedom tastes so good.
by Ari LeVaux
Sometime in the mid-1990s, after a lifetime of servitude to the shriveled heads of garlic that I would bring home from the supermarket, I finally declared myself independent. As a cook and a garlic lover, I would no longer…
A2Politico: Sheriff Candidates Suggest “Dialogue” as a Solution to Anti-Semitism and Hate Crimes
by P.D. Lesko
In 2021, a gunman walked into Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh and murdered 11 congregants, wounding six others. In 2023, a Michigan man was arrested by the FBI for plotting to gun down members of East Lansing's…
It’s Foster Care Awareness Month: My Colleagues in the Legislature Should Adopt My Plan to Help Foster Care Children
by Rep. Kathy Schmaltz
This week I supported a resolution adopted by the Michigan House to declare May as Foster Care Awareness Month in the state while reminding other legislators that reforms must be made to help set foster care…
A2Politico: County Pols Plan to “Protect” the Mental Health Millage. They’re Five Years Late & $35M Short
by P.D. Lesko
The 2016 Mental Health and Public Safety Millage was the brainchild of County Commissioner Andy LaBarre (District 7). It was the perfect way to get voters to pony up tens of additional millions for two of the poorest run…
A2Politico: County Commissioners Will Be “Invoiced” For 2023 Overspending; That’s Not Good Enough
by P.D. Lesko
On April 1, I sent an email to County Administrator Greg Dill:
Mr Dill,Have Commissioners Lyte and Sanders been invoiced for their 2023 FlexSpending account overspending yet? Could you please post 2024 spendingto…
After Safehouse Scandal and Ouster of Former Executive Director, All 18 Board Members Involved Have Quietly Left
by P.D. Lesko
Since the July 31, 2021 publication of the first in a series of investigative articles about the mismanagement of SafeHouse Center, the County's domestic violence shelter, all 18 members of the Board of Directors on whose…
A2Politico: City Bicentennial Celebrations Include a “Fun” Opportunity to Pay $795,000 to Pave a Parking Lot
by P.D. Lesko
So far, Ann Arbor's Bicentennial "celebrations" look like a "delicious" get together planned by out-of-touch, rich, white people: crustless mayonnaise sandwiches, only the best Lipton tea (but a charge for cracked cups for…