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A2Politico: County Leaders Threw DEI Under the Bus With Hire of Derrick Jackson as Racial Equity Officer
by P.D. Lesko
Washtenaw County recently hired former Sheriff's Dept. employee Derrick Jackson as the County's Racial Equity Officer. He began the job on Dec. 16. Jackson's hire is proof positive that cronyism is still a very serious…
The Foodist: Crème Brûlée Flambè
by Ari LeVaux
The dark days of winter solstice have a way of making human beings hunger for light. That is probably why, whatever your creed or culture, you have a tradition that involves casting some kind of glow during the period we…
To Control Holiday Spending, Stick With Cash
by Jay Zagorsky
The holiday shopping season is now here, and Americans are ready to splurge. The average U.S. shopper expects to spend more than US$1,000 on gifts for Christmas and other winter holidays this year, surveys…
Tip Pressure Might Work in the Moment, but Customers are Less Likely to Return: Tip Fatigue
by Sara Hansen and Nathan B. Warren
Have you ever hesitated at the register, uncomfortable as an employee watched you choose a tip? It’s not just you. The rise of digital tipping systems – from point-of-sale devices held by employees to…
City of Ann Arbor Road and Lane Closures (Read ‘Em and Weep or Rejoice)
The City of Ann Arbor has partnered with WAZE to provide a better overview of traffic controls within the city. Visit or download the WAZE app.
Southbound Closure of South Fifth Avenue Between East Huron Street and East…
The Foodist: English Ravioli
by Ari LeVaux
If a famous chef hands you a caviar’d cracker, it doesn’t prove anything. Like, of course it tastes good. It’s freakin’ caviar.
True culinary brilliance is revealed by the creation of extraordinary food from the…
A2Politico: Threats Made Against The A2Indy– Huzzah For a Free Press!
by P.D. Lesko
Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation (SLAPP) is a tool used to dissuade individual critics and the media from publicizing information, facts, investigations, that businesses, schools, non-profits and others would…
A2Politico: Anti-Prop C Group Says Jesus, The Ghost of Mother Theresa, and Diddy Oppose Nonpartisan Elections
by P.D. Lesko
Correction: Prop D would mean the City of Ann Arbor would earmark $420,000 to candidates, not $4.5 million.
The questions are simple:
The opposition to both proposals is led, in its entirety, by Ann Arbor's…
Breakfast Abundance: The Harvest Omelette
by Ari LeVaux
A key ingredient in the harvest omelette is improvisation.
It’s that time of year when all of the produce is ready. The tomatoes, corn, squash, beans and other typical harvest crops are piling up in the fields and…
County Health Dept. Restaurant Inspections: 33 Ypsi Restaurants Cited for Critical Violations
Washtenaw County Food Service Inspection Reports are updated once a month. Please note that inspection reports describe the conditions observed on the date and time of the inspection.
County food service establishments have regular…