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Same-Sex Marriage Nears Vote in U.S. Senate
by Jennifer Schutt, Michigan Advance
The U.S. Senate is on track to vote on a bill codifying marriage equality as soon this month with negotiators increasingly confident it could become law.
Wisconsin Democratic Sen. Tammy Baldwin…
Mayor Violated Michigan Campaign Finance Act; Did He Also Perjure Himself?
by P.D. Lesko
9/8/22: Updated with comments from the Michigan Department of State and Washtenaw County Clerk Larry Kestenbaum.
The Michigan Secretary of State's Elections Bureau received a complaint in March 2021 that alleged Ann…
“Firekeeper’s Daughter” Native Teen Discovers Intrigue and Betrayal in a Michigan Upper Peninsula Community
by Martha Stuit, Pulp
When author Angeline Boulley wrote her new young adult novel, Firekeeper’s Daughter, she had a goal for the thriller. She writes about her main character, Daunis Fontaine, in her Author’s Note:
The Pleasure Principle: The Characters in Lydia Conklin’s Short Story Collection “Rainbow Rainbow,” Seek Gratification and Identity
by Martha Stuit, Pulp
Characters in Lydia Conklin’s Rainbow Rainbow perch on the precipice of something—a decision, a change, the start or end of a relationship, or even the dangerous cliff above a quarry where people…
Rick Snyder, Former Michigan CIO Start Cybersecurity Firm SensCy in Ann Arbor
Rick Snyder, the governor of Michigan from 2011 to 2019, has teamed up with his former state CIO David Behen to start a cybersecurity company. Behen is a former Facilities Manager for the City of Ann Arbor. He also worked for Washtenaw…
Bill Would Ban Sanctuary Cities in Michigan
by Genevieve O'Gara
In 2017, Ann Arbor City Council instructed the AAPD to stop collecting information pertaining to the immigration status of individuals. Council did not pass a resolution proclaiming Ann Arbor a "sanctuary city."…
Mayor Taylor Used City Staff to Secretly “Harvest” Resident Email Addresses, Then Solicited Campaign Donations
by P.D. Lesko
In March 2022, The Ann Arbor Independent filed a Freedom of Information Act request to obtain all emails sent in 2020 and 2021 to and from City staff to any email address at Hooper Hathaway, the law firm where the Mayor is…
Washtenaw County Reps Who’ve Missed the Most Votes in Lansing
by P.D. Lesko
Michigan's legislators are among the highest paid in the nation. Currently, legislators in our state receive a base pay of $79,650, plus another $12,000 annually for expenses. Leadership positions receive added…
Ann Arbor’s First Adult Marijuana Consumption Lounge Bogged Down by Licensing Process
Ann Arbor plans on issuing 28 licenses for marijuana consumption lounges within the city limits.
According to a press release, a new business called Hot Box Social announced that it is the first licensed adult-use…
Political Donor to Mayor & His Council Allies Benefits From City Zoning Changes Around Briarwood
by P.D. Lesko
2/11/22: This article has been updated with comments from Council member Kathy Griswold (D-Ward 2).
Council member Kathy Griswold's (D-Ward 2) resolution asked City staff for the answers to a few questions: Who owns the…