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Q & A: Washtenaw County Sheriff Jerry Clayton
Washtenaw County Sheriff Jerry Clayton talks about recent drug busts in the county jail, the socio-economics of crime in the county and "Orange is the New Black."
SHERIFF JERRY Clayton currently oversees a $22 million corrections budget.…
CULTURE VULTURE: An Interview With Bonnie ZoBell
by Mary Akers
TWICE IN MY life, I have flown through an airport only hours before another plane crashed there. In 1994, with my two young daughters in tow, we landed in Charlotte, NC for an extended visit. Later that evening, a band of…
Mayoral Candidate: Two Interviews With Sally Hart Petersen—Then and Now
"I am running for Mayor of Ann Arbor because it is time for new leadership, new knowledge, skills and abilities to leverage the economic growth ahead of us into improved city services for all residents."—Sally Hart Petersen
Interview: Circuit Court Candidate—Michael Woodyard, The Seasoned Outsider
MICHAEL WOODYARD is either Gandalf or Saruman, it just depends on whom you ask. He challenged Judge Timothy Connors for his seat on the 22nd Circuit Court last year, a seat Connors has either warmed, or filled admirably, depending on whom…
Q & A: Washtenaw County Probate Court Candidate Tracy Van den Bergh
TRACY VAN DEN Bergh comes into Sweetwater’s in Kerrytown a bit before 10 a.m. on a Saturday. She’s holding an empty iced coffee and looks casually caffeinated. She’s 44- years-old, and wears her age well. Considering she’s competing in a…
Q & A: Washtenaw County Probate Court Candidate Tamara Garwood
by P.D. Lesko
TAMARA GARWOOD is seated at a table in Cafe Verde which is tucked in a corner. She has chosen a secluded spot where, presumably, our conversation will not be overheard. The problem is that in Cafe Verde at 10 a.m. (my…
Q & A: Washtenaw County Trial Court Candidate Pat Conlin
by P.D. Lesko
PAT CONLIN HAS pink eye. It couldn’t have come at a more inopportune moment. A candidate running for office naturally wants to shake hands. He can’t. Pink eye is devilishly contagious and he wants to make sure he doesn’t…
The Case for Abolishing Juvenile Prisons: How Isolating Minors Who Need Connection Endangers Us All
FROM THEIR VERY founding in America in 1825, juvenile prisons were designed to rip teenagers from their homes and communities and isolate them as punishment. Nearly two centuries later, they operate under the same design, despite research…
An Interview With Lily Tomlin—Ernestine, Existentialism & Hope
by P.D. Lesko
“PLEASE, CALL ME Lily,” says the woman on the phone, with a warmth that doesn’t betray the obvious fact that she has extended the same invitation to scores of interviewers. She was born in Detroit, Michigan on September 1,…
Interview: Journalist and Author Richard Louv
by David Roberts
RICHARD LOUV IS an anecdote machine. As we milled about awaiting lunch-hour seating, he kept up a constant stream of witty, telling stories — about “no running” signs on playgrounds, clueless environmental leaders,…