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FOOD & FARMING: Urban Gardens and Heavy Metal (And No, I Don’t Mean Black Sabbath)
A quick drive up many of Ann Arbor’s busy roads such as Miller Road, Pontiac Trail, Newport, and Maple, and it’s easy to spot the veggie gardens, some in front yards just feet from the edges of the streets, others in backyards, slightly…
New Study Suggests Eating Meat & Cheese May Be As Bad As Smoking
by Suzanne Wu
THAT CHICKEN WING you’re eating could be as deadly as a cigarette. In a new study that tracked a large sample of adults for nearly two decades, researchers have found that eating a diet rich in animal proteins during middle…
Two Ann Arbor Companies Nominated By Governor In Statewide Fitness Award Competition
BANK OF ANN ARBOR and NuStep, Inc. of Ann Arbor were recognized by the state of Michigan for their efforts to encourage a healthy workplace. Bank of Ann Arbor was a Diamond Award Winner in the category of large business nominees and NuStep,…
Healthy Michigan Open Enrollment To Begin April 1 For Low-Income Families
GOVERNOR RICK SNYDER and the Michigan Department of Community Health (MDCH) announced that the state’s Healthy Michigan Plan is prepared to begin accepting applications on April 1, 2014, ultimately providing healthcare coverage to nearly…
Most Parents Don’t Favor Bans On Nuts In Schools, Including Parents With Allergic Kids
MOST PARENTS OF kids with and without nut allergies don’t support school-wide bans on nut-containing products, according to a new University of Michigan C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital National Poll on Children’s Health.
Schools don’t have…