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President Trump Signs Executive Order: “Protecting Children From Chemical and Surgical Mutilation”
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered:
Section 1. Policy and Purpose. Across the country today, medical professionals are maiming…
Five of the Most Frustrating Health Insurer Tactics and How to Deal With Them
by Dr. Monica S. Aswani and Dr. Paul Shafer
The U.S. has made great progress in getting more people insured since the Affordable Care Act took effect in 2014. The share of uninsured Americans ages 18 to 64 fell from 18% before the…
Are You About to Have Cataract Surgery? Here’s What Ophthalmologists Say You Need to Know
by Dr. Allan Steigleman
Cataract surgery is one of the most popular and commonly performed procedures in the world. The vast majority of patients have excellent outcomes with few complications.
Here are the numbers:
By age…
County Health Dept. Inspections: Ann Arbor School Food Service Providers Cited for Violations
Washtenaw County Food Service Inspection Reports are updated once a month. Please note that inspection reports describe the conditions observed on the date and time of the inspection.
County food service establishments and the…
Breast Density and Mammograms: New FDA Rule Ensures Women Have More Information After Cancer Screenings
by Dr. Nancy Kressin, Dr. Christine M. Gunn and Dr. Priscilla Slametz
The Food and Drug Administration implemented a rule to go into effect on Sept. 10, 2024, requiring mammography facilities to notify women about their breast…
As an OB/GYN, I Can Tell You This Election Is A Patient Safety Issue
Sierra M. Starr, M.D.
In medical school, I learned how to deliver babies, perform surgeries, and support patients through hard times. I didn’t learn to write newspaper opinion pieces. But for the well-being and safety of the patients…
County Health Dept. Restaurant Inspections: 33 Ypsi Restaurants Cited for Critical Violations
Washtenaw County Food Service Inspection Reports are updated once a month. Please note that inspection reports describe the conditions observed on the date and time of the inspection.
County food service establishments have regular…
The Raw Milk Craze: What Science Says
Despite an ongoing outbreak of bird flu in dairy cows, the popularity of raw milk has only risen. Advocates claim raw milk has superior health benefits over pasteurized milk. There is little evidence to support these claims, however, and…
A2Politico: County Pols Plan to “Protect” the Mental Health Millage. They’re Five Years Late & $35M Short
by P.D. Lesko
The 2016 Mental Health and Public Safety Millage was the brainchild of County Commissioner Andy LaBarre (District 7). It was the perfect way to get voters to pony up tens of additional millions for two of the poorest run…
A Blood Test that Screens for Multiple Cancers Promises to Boost Early Detection
Questions remain on how MCEDs will be implemented in the clinic.
by Dr. Colin Pritchard
Detecting cancer early before it spreads throughout the body can be lifesaving. This is why doctors recommend regular screening for…