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Oh Deer! Deer Population Management Public Meeting Scheduled for Feb. 5
ANN ARBOR OFFICIALS want to hear from residents concerning proposals and plans to manage the city’s burgeoning deer population. The public is invited to attend a second deer management public meeting being held by the City of Ann Arbor on…
Upcoming Natural Area Preservation (NAP) Volunteer Stewardship Opportunities
NAP INVITES THOSE interested to join in one of these free events. There is no need to pre-register unless otherwise noted. If you have a large group (more than five people) that is interested in attending a volunteer stewardship event,…
Upcoming Natural Area Preservation (NAP) Volunteer Stewardship Opportunities
NAP INVITES THOSE interested to join in one of these free events. There is no need to pre-register unless otherwise noted. If you have a large group (more than five people) that is interested in attending a volunteer stewardship event,…
At Thurston Nature Center, Neighbors Come Together to Carry on a 50 Year Legacy of Stewardship
by Marjorie Winkelman
PRAVEENA RAMASWAMI IS an enthusiastic, energetic woman with sparkling eyes and a streak of bright purple through her dark hair. She is the perfect tour guide at the Thurston Nature Center Fall work-day, greeting…
Ann Arbor Greenbelt Bus Tour Planned for Oct. 4
ANN ARBOR OFFICIALS invite those interested to climb aboard a luxury motor coach for a tour of the Greenbelt Program’s protected farm and open-space properties The tour is scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 4 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. The cost is…
Natural Area Preservation (NAP) September Events
ANN ARBOR NATURAL Area Preservation (NAP) works to protect and restore Ann Arbor’s natural areas and to foster an environmental ethic among its citizens. This involves conducting plant and animal inventories, ecological monitoring, and…
Upcoming Natural Area Preservation (NAP) Volunteer Opportunities
THE CITY OF Ann Arbor Natural Area Preservation (NAP) works to protect and restore Ann Arbor’s natural areas. This involves conducting plant and animal inventories, ecological monitoring, and stewardship projects in Ann Arbor parks. These…
While Oil Drilling Proposed For a Site One Mile Away from River, Huron River Day Spotlights City’s Fresh Water
by David Alexander
THE WATERS WERE right for canoeing and kayaking Sunday afternoon. People from around Washtenaw County flooded Gallup Park with enthusiasm for nature during the 34th annual Huron River Day.
The de facto festival,…
Upcoming Natural Area Preservation (NAP) Volunteer Opportunities
THE CITY OF Ann Arbor Natural Area Preservation (NAP) works to protect and restore Ann Arbor’s natural areas. This involves conducting plant and animal inventories, ecological monitoring, and stewardship projects in Ann Arbor parks. These…
Upcoming Natural Area Preservation (NAP) Volunteer Opportunities
THE CITY OF Ann Arbor Natural Area Preservation (NAP) works to protect and restore Ann Arbor’s natural areas. This involves conducting plant and animal inventories, ecological monitoring, and stewardship projects in Ann Arbor parks. These…