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AAPS Officials & Parents Fear State Takeover; Ann Arbor Rep. Rheingans Says: “Immediate $25M in Cuts Not Necessary”
by P.D. Lesko
Between 2020 to 2022, when AAPS went to distance education and shut down childcare, enrollment dropped by over 1,000 students. Pupil funding--$9,608 per child in this year’s state school budget-- plummeted. A loss of 1,000…
AAPS Loses Bid to Dismiss Lawsuit Brought By Mom Who Says District Covered Up Abuse of Autistic Son
by P.D. Lesko
Ann Arbor Public Schools attempted to have a lawsuit brought by Jaime Nelson-Molnar thrown out on multiple grounds, including governmental immunity. In a blow to the District's legal team, U.S. District Judge George Caram…
AAPS Board Hires Interim Superintendent Jazz Parks as New District Leader
The President of the AAPS Board of Education, Torchio Feaster, released a letter to the community announcing that the Board, through a "painful vote," had hired current Interim Superintendent Jazz Parks to lead the District. The letter, in…
Local Rabbi Says AAPS Trustee Querijero’s Resolution for Cease Fire in Gaza an Effort to “Stigmatize Jewish Children”
by P.D. Lesko
Rabbi Nadav Caine leads the congregation at Beth Israel synagogue on Washtenaw Ave. On Jan. 15 he sent out an email to the members of the synagogue in which he sharply criticized the members of the Ann Arbor Public Schools…
No Background Checks In This Local School District: Superintendent Welcomes Felon-Volunteers
by P.D. Lesko
Public records revealed that the Lincoln Consolidated Schools in Ypsilanti has no policies or procedures that require background checks on volunteers. State law requires public schools to background check employees,…
Ann Arbor Superintendent Refutes “Learning Loss” Among Ann Arbor Students
Superintendent Jeanice Swift disputes value of the term “learning loss,” admits COVID affected “trajectory of growth”
by Jaime A. Hope
The superintendent of Ann Arbor Public Schools says students who were locked out of classrooms for…
A2Politico: Dunce Cap for AAPS Trustee Who Defends Playing on Social Media During Open Meetings
by P.D. Lesko
AAPS trustees are presently embroiled in a public debate about, among other issues, whether members should be forbidden from communicating with each other electronically during open meetings. Seriously? D'uh. The Michigan…
Our Education System is Setting up Students for Failure
by Henry Ramos and Eric Adams
With nerves and excitement, millions of young Americans are back in school after years of pandemic disruption. At the same time, questions of effectiveness and inclusion across our education system reveal…
COVID Remote Learning Set Back Students’ Reading and Math Skills in Michigan
Students who are Black or from low-income families scored much lower than peers on third-grade test
by Tracie Mauriello
Researchers found alarming increases in the proportion of Michigan third graders reading significantly below…
Michigan Kids Can’t Read. Drag Queens Won’t Help.
by James David Dickson
Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel has raised the stakes in the debate on drag shows for children.
In June, when GOP gubernatorial candidate Tudor Dixon promised to enact "severe criminal penalties…