OP-ED: During National Volunteer Week—Why Michigan Needs AmeriCorps

by Robert Kolt, Rep. Julie Calley (R-Portland), Rep. Sam Singh (D-East Lansing)

Most people recognize the Peace Corps, a great American service program to help meet social and economic challenges internationally.

AmeriCorps is the domestic version of the Peace Corps.

AmeriCorps invests our money right here in our neighborhoods throughout America, using a combination of federal dollars, corporate donations and foundation support. AmeriCorps and other popular programs like Senior Corps, which organizes senior citizens who have time and talent to contribute to meet many community needs, are supported through the Corporation for National & Community Service (CNCS).

Unfortunately, there is a proposal to eliminate federal funding for the CNCS, which would hurt the nation’s ability to meet a variety of critical community needs.

In Michigan, federal funds support 150 programs and nearly 10,000 national service participants. The Michigan Community Service Commission manages 27 AmeriCorps programs with 1,000 AmeriCorps members. Governor Rick Snyder has been very supportive of all Commission efforts to support volunteerism and make a positive difference in many communities in need.

If you point on a map to nearly any place in Michigan, AmeriCorps members are there. For example, AmeriCorps members are helping by: reducing crime in Detroit and Flint with an urban safety strategy, supporting the Red Cross relief efforts in the Lansing region, helping children read in Flint and Grand Rapids, supporting the Great Lakes Watershed in northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula, and assisting several rural counties in the U.P. with Pre-K through 3rd grade educational services.

Historically there has always been strong bipartisan support in Washington for the CNCS budget, which is currently at about $1 billion. If return-on-investment is an issue, research proves that the nation’s investment in CNCS generates about $4 billion in return in real donated volunteer service. Any CNCS cuts in federal appropriations would also likely simply shift even more costs onto state and local budgets.

Not only does AmeriCorps meet community needs, but the program really changes the lives of members who enjoy a direct service experience setting them on a pathway to employment.

We hear similar passionate testimonials from AmeriCorps members every day:

“AmeriCorps is a fantastic experience and has changed my life and the lives of so many people I have helped.”

“I’ve learned that I can do more than I think I can do.”

“To gain the trust of Flint residents during the water crisis – to have them open their doors to us, is one of the greatest impacts I have been able to make during my AmeriCorps service.”

“Our capacity to outreach is doubled … solely because of AmeriCorps.”

AmeriCorps is a potential career pathway and community service program that truly works.

We encourage supporters of community service to contact members of our Congressional delegation today and tell them future funding for the Corporation for National & Community Service is essential to the health, safety and well-being of Michigan and our nation.

Robert Kolt is the Chair of the Michigan Community Service Commission.

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