EDITORIAL: Rep. Zemke Wrong to Endorse

REP. ADAM ZEMKE, a Democrat, has chosen to endorse in the Ward 2 City Council Democratic primary election. We believe this is not only misguided, but demonstrates a singular lack of leadership from a state-level representative. Mr. Zemke’s endorsement fosters dissent among Democrats and suggests that he favors personality politics over unity. We have no opinion what ever concerning which of the two Democrats seeking the City Council seat vacated by Council member Sally Hart Petersen should be elected. The paper has offered both candidates opportunities for interviews and to fill out candidate questionnaires.

Mr. Zemke, while a first-term state representative, has a responsibility to represent his Ann Arbor constituents ethically and professionally. After this newspaper editorialized that Mr. Zemke needed to improve his voting attendance record in the House, he did. We appreciate his leadership on a variety of legislative issues as varied as tax policy and veteran’s affairs. He has been a staunch supporter of marriage and economic equality. Both are crucial to moving Michigan out of the political 1950s as well as out of the economic 1970s.

However, Mr. Zemke’s insertion of himself in a local race between two Democrats can only foster ill will and dissension. He ought to have taken his lead from U.S. Rep. John D. Dingell, Jr. who has refrained from endorsing in Ann Arbor’s local races. Likewise, Mrs. Dingell, running for her husband’s seat, has refrained from endorsing. It has been suggested that Mrs. Dingell will work to bring together local Democrats; her neutrality in these primary elections is a welcome sign.

Mr. Zemke is running for a second term unopposed in the Democratic primary. We see potential in Mr. Zemke as a state legislator dedicated to progressive principles. We urge him, in future, to stay above the fray in local elections. We urge him to remember that he serves the people of Michigan who elected him and who pay his salary. We urge voters to hold Mr. Zemke and all of our state-level representatives to high ethical and political standards.

Mr. Zemke is sowing political divisiveness on the local level  and that is not why he was sent to Lansing. We expect Mr. Zemke to work to bring local Democrats together, starting by respecting all Democrats who participate in primary elections.

1 Comment
  1. Gloria says

    Garwood is the best candidate for the probate judge seat. She is a great human being with many good qualities and Washtenaw county would benefit greatly should Garwood be elected.
    As this article suggests she is tenacious, has scruples, and she has the experience.
    Mostly, she can and will make good and fair decisions for our community, our families and friends.

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