LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Open Letter to the AAATA Board

An Open Letter to the AAATA Board Questioning the Legality of CEO Michael Ford’s Retroactive Raise

The Michigan  Constitution art 11, Sec. 3, provides: “Neither the legislature nor any political subdivision of this state shall grant or authorize extra compensation to any public officer, agent or contractor after the service has been rendered or the contract entered into”  So at first glance the retroactive raise is unlawful.

The compensation bump probably results in an increased pension that the taxpayers will have to fund. We don’t know how many others are getting raises and consequent pension increases to “maintain appropriate differentials” within the staff. And all this when the ink on the yes-vote is barely dry.  Public dollars can be spent on lawyers to challenge and defend the legality and further deplete the funds authorized for acquisition and maintenance of more empty busses.   A bus boycott won’t work; recalls are an expensive way to fix both cars and breaches of public trust. I’d like to see a public response by the Board to the issues being raised by all of those who have filed comments.

I would welcome a response from you or your legal advisers on the constitutional question that I have raised. I and others would welcome your responses to the other issues raised in the many online comments that have been posted.

Orin Brustad

Ann Arbor


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