Michigan-OSU Post Game Brawl: Grad Level Immaturity, Michigan Players Should be Suspended

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by Marty Warner

Can you stand one more comment about the now infamous brawl following the Michigan-OSU football game last Saturday?  I live in a suburb of Columbus, but I am in no way a Buckeye fan.  I didn’t study at The Ohio State University.  I don’t follow sports.  I don’t care which team wins and which team loses.  I’m annoyed by immaturity and stupidity.

The prideful insistence that “The” be pronounced with a long “e” … immature.  The inability to say “Michigan” … the need to say, “that state up north” … immature.  The practice of covering up every letter “M” on campus and even some places in town the week prior to the game … immature.

The visiting team planting their flag on the home team’s field … the height of immaturity.  That action was planned and intended to evoke a certain response.  That response was achieved.  I wonder how the Michigan players would have reacted if the OSU players had planted their flag on the field one of the various times OSU beat Michigan in Michigan? I have no doubt they would have been equally offended.

I saw one of your players interviewed on the news.  He stated that the OSU players didn’t need to attack the Michigan players “just because they lost.”  I’m trying hard to believe he’s not really that stupid.  There was no problem immediately after the game.  The reaction didn’t occur until Michigan tried to plant their flag midfield.  Is he truly too stupid to grasp that?

I’m not one to jump to the Buckeyes’ defense, but I’m appalled by the actions of the Michigan players.  They wanted to start a brawl, and they were successful. The players involved should be suspended for the rest of the season.

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