Trump, Not Harris or Stein, is The Peace Candidate

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by Adam deAngeli

I was amused to read a letter to the editor in the Ann Arbor Independent arguing that those who have concerns about the carnage in the Middle East should vote for Kamala Harris (“Jill Stein and Donald Trump Don’t Care About Gaza,” 10/16/24). On this intensely divisive issue, Kamala Harris plays both sides. She says she supports a two-state solution, but she also says she will always stand with Israel. So her position is the same as President Biden’s. 

For the past year, the Biden-Harris administration issued what they call “strong words” and “stern warnings” to Israel to reduce hostilities, come to a cease-fire, allow humanitarian aid into Gaza, etc. — all of which Israel has brushed off. President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have no control over anybody on the global stage, and nobody understands this better than Benjamin Netanyahu. Vice President Harris’s Middle East policy is, like everything else, a word salad.

This is the principal failing of the Biden-Harris administration: there is no true President; only a massive blob of bureaucrats, lobbyists, and apparatchiks united as an establishment.

Let there be no doubt a Kamala Harris administration will be governed by the same faceless establishment. Vice President Harris is utterly unqualified to be President and clueless on foreign policy, and a Harris administration promises more of the same: war, chaos, and America collapsing under the governance of selfish bureaucrats.

Others have suggested voting third-party (“A Vote for Kamala Harris is Misguided: Jill Stein Offers A Real Choice,” 10/22/24), arguing against voting for the lesser of two evils.

I agree with this principle, which is why I voted third-party in the U.S. Senate race. 

But that is inapplicable to the presidential race, because Donald J. Trump is not evil. His rhetoric and record both prove he is a patriotic American with real aversion to war and a strong desire to make peace.

Yes, he suggested Israel strike Iranian nuclear facilities, but that is consistent with his frequently-voiced concerns about nuclear proliferation. 

He has made poor staffing choices in the past, but we are all only human. No President of any party will be insulated from Washington swamp creatures worming their way into the administration.

Former President Trump is, like Vice President Harris and President Biden, a supporter of Israel. Unlike them, Donald Trump is motivated to bring about peace, and Trump possesses the strength to keep Israel from escalating to the point of dragging America into a war.

Not only did Trump start no wars in his first term, nobody else did, either.

A builder, developer, and negotiator by nature, Mr. Trump clearly has serious misgivings about wars in the Middle East as well as in Ukraine. Even in his first administration’s missteps, it was clear he was motivated by a desire to bring about peace.

It may already be too late to prevent war in the Middle East, but former President Donald Trump, not Vice President Kamala Harris, would use American leverage to end the conflict.

We can choose a builder, or a destroyer.

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