Sheriff Candidate Impersonating a Social Worker Could Be Charged With Felony Fraud: Michigan Officials Preparing Enforcement

by P.D. Lesko

Officials at the office of the Michigan Attorney General and officials at LARA, the Michigan Bureau of Professional Licensing, have confirmed that the complaint filed by a licensed social worker in May 2024 against Sheriff candidate Derrick Jackson for fraudulently claiming to be a “social worker” has been investigated, and has moved into the “enforcement” stage. The enforcement could include a fine of as much as $1,000 every day that Derrick Jackson continues to fraudulently identify himself as a “social worker.”

Since 2005, Michigan has required anyone who uses the title of “social worker” to hold a valid state license.

Local activist Trisché Duckworth held a LLMSW license between 2015,-2024 while she did community work and activism. She said she did not pass the State licensing test and, as a result, the State would not renew her LLMSW license. On her LinkedIn page, Trisché Duckworth refers to herself as a “Social Justice Architect,” not as a social worker.

Duckworth said, “Calling yourself a social worker when you have no license is a real problem. My Limited License just expired so I’m back to MSW. If you’re not licensed, you’re just MSW. I will say it’s probably gonna take a minute for me to mentally wrap my mind around being unlicensed. I’ve been so used to the tagline,” added Duckworth.

The licensed social worker’s complaint against Derrick Jackson, which was shared with the A2Indy on the condition that the complainant remain anonymous, was filed in response to Jackson’s years-long, and often repeated (on and off the campaign trail) fabrication that he is a “Social Worker that became a police officer.”

Michigan restricts the use of titles.

According to State law, the title “social worker” is a “statutorily regulated profession or occupation.” To use the title of “social worker,” state law requires that the individual hold the required license. 1978 PA 368, entitled “Public health code” states: “in order to use the title ‘Social Worker’ one is required to be licensed by the State of Michigan. Only a licensed bachelor’s social worker shall use the title “licensed bachelor’s social worker”, “social worker”, or “l.b.s.w.”. Only a licensed master’s social worker shall use the title ‘licensed master’s social worker,’ ‘social worker,’ or ‘l.m.s.w.’.

Michigan’s Penal Code MCL – Section 750.217d states, “An individual who is not a health professional licensed or registered under article 15 of the public health code, 1978 PA 368, MCL 333.16101 to 333.18838, and who intentionally and falsely represents himself or herself to be a health professional licensed or registered under article 15 of the public health code, 1978 PA 368, MCL 333.16101 to 333.18838, and provides a health care treatment, procedure, or service regulated under article 15 of the public health code, 1978 PA 368, MCL 333.16101 to 333.18838, to another individual is guilty of a felony punishable by imprisonment for not more than 15 years or a fine of not more than $10,000.00, or both.”

Derrick Jackson has told people he is a “social worker” in order to raise over
$140,000 in campaign donations. He could be prosecuted for felony fraud.

Derrick Jackson refers to himself as a “social worker” on his Sheriff’s Dept. bio. page. He refers to himself as a “social worker” on his LinkedIn page. His resume posted to his campaign website identifies him as a “social worker.” His campaign webpage identifies him as a “Social Worker.”

By claiming he is a “social worker” in order to raise over $140,000 in campaign donations, Derrick Jackson defrauded hundreds of people. State officials could charge him with felony fraud.

When he applied to teach social work at EMU, Derrick Jackson put on his resume for the job that he was a “certified school social worker.” But Derrick Jackson is not a licensed social worker in the State of Michigan. He has never been a “Certified school social worker.”

The licensed social worker who filed the complaint said, “Derrick Jackson is a fraud–using the title ‘social worker’ when he has never completed the required 4,000 of supervised training or having passed the required licensing exam.”

While State records show Derrick Lynn Jackson has never been licensed as a social worker, video evidence shows that as far back as 2016, Jackson has claimed to be a “social worker who became a police officer.” In a 2016 TedX talk, he can be seen telling the audience,  “I am a social worker who runs a police agency.” When repeating the fabrication in public, videos show Jackson often follows up with the question, “How did that happen?”

When complaints are received, The Bureau of Professional Licensing investigates. The Bureau then may close the complaint with no further action due to the complaint not being associated with a possible violation of the Occupational Code. Conversely. The Bureau has the option to investigate and then refer the complaint to the Michigan Attorney General for criminal charges and enforcement. LARA officials said that the complaint against Jackson was investigated and is now at the enforcement stage. An official from the Attorney General’s Detroit office confirmed that LARA had submitted the complaint against Jackson for enforcement by the AG.

In a recent mailer sent by Sheriff candidate Derrick Jackson, he describes himself as an “MSW Social Worker.” Only a licensed social worker in the state may legally refer to themselves as a “Social Worker.” Since the licensing complaint was filed in May 2024 against Jackson by a licensed social worker who identified multiple examples of Derrick Jackson violating the Michigan law on title protection, Jackson has doubled down, claiming in videos, mailers and at candidate events that he is a “social worker.”

The Executive Dir. of the National Association of Social Workers in Michigan said in an email said that Jackson was asked to remove all references from his campaign website where he identified himself as a social worker. Jackson did not do so.

Jackson’s penchant for self-aggrandizement, exaggeration and fabricating achievements has led to him becoming the butt of jokes and the star of mocking memes, much the same way former Republican Legislator and serial fabulist Rep. George Santos became a punchline. The meme, above, has been circulating on social media.

At a July 2024 candidate event sponsored by the Washtenaw County Black Democratic Caucus, Jackson took his final three minutes at the event to tell attendees that he has been a victim of “racism.” Without mentioning The Ann Arbor Independent, Jackson told those present that reporting about his fabrications, lies and his misuse of a protected professional title is “racist.”

He then went on to compare himself to former President Obama. “How do you tear a Black man down? Question his education. President Obama, show us your birth certificate.”

In May 2024, an Ypsilanti resident filed a campaign finance complaint against Jackson for, among other alleged violations of the Michigan Campaign Finance Act, campaigning while in uniform, using the resources of the Sheriff’s Dept. to campaign and campaigning during normal work hours.

In response, Jackson announced in an email to colleagues shared with the newspaper that he would be taking a 50-day leave, until after the August 6th primary election. If his leave is paid, this could be yet another campaign finance violation. The newspaper submitted a Freedom of Information Act request to obtain Jackson’s pay records.

Both Derrick Jackson and Sheriff Jerry Clayton were asked to comment. They have not yet responded.

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