An Open Letter to County Commissioner Yousef Rabhi: It’s Time For You to Lead

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This is a Open Public Plea to the Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners, specifically, Ann Arbor County Commissioner Yousef Rabhi:

There is an expectation of leadership from the Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners. At this time, the person requested to display such leadership is you, Commissioner Rabhi. I know you can do it.

County Commissioner Yousef Rabhi.

The overspending of Washtenaw County taxpayers’ money by four of your colleagues must be discussed openly, at a public meeting, preferably this evening (April 3, 2024) at the Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners’ meeting at 7 p.m.

First, the defamation, lies and slander aimed at me (Monica Ross Williams, MBA, LIA), a former elected official, small business owner and County taxpayer/resident — by District 2 Commissioner Crystal Lyte — at the March 20, 2023 Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners, must be addressed and discussed openly at a public meeting, preferably this evening (April 3, 2024) at the Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners’ meeting at 7 p.m.

I had every right to address the Board regarding the Ann Arbor Independent’s (A2Indy) March 20, 2024, investigative article highlighting Commissioners’ overspending and failure to reimburse amounts overspent. During the Public Comment period, I read a prepared statement (video below). The problems I talked about have also been verified by a recent article, as well.

With the above noted, yes, Commissioner Lyte was wrong and her behavior unbecoming of an elected official. To use the “Commissioner Comment” period after I’d left the Board Room to defame me was wrong; Commissioner Lyte called me a “racist” three times. Crystal Lyte also lied and gaslighted the public when she accused me of threatening a Washtenaw County employee’s family. I did no such thing.

Commissioner Lyte, however, did threaten me. She stated in a threatening manner that she was “not going to tolerate” my comments. This was an attempt to deny me my First Amendment Right to Free Speech, my right to seek redress of grievances before a governmental board.

Separately, the taxpayers of Washtenaw County demand the overspending of which I spoke be publicly addressed, on the record, as well.

  • It is not “just okay” for the Chair of the Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners – Commissioner Justin Hodge – District 5 – to “pay back” over $900 he overspent in 2023 from his $7,000 Commissioner travel & expense account nearly a year later after occurring the debt.
  • It is not “okay” for two other Commissioners, Caroline Sanders – District 4 and Crystal Lyte – District 2 to owe thousands of dollars of overspending from both of their $7,000 Commissioner travel & expense accounts nearly a year after occurring the debt, and make what amounts to ridiculous and insulting excuses why they did so in a recent Mlive article on the matter.
  • It is not “okay” for Commissioner Annie Somerville – District 6 – to “explain away” in a social media post, after the fact, her use of taxpayer money to go on a junket to the Mackinac Policy Conference.

Also, it is not “okay” for Washtenaw County Administrator Gregory Dill, his Public Relations Assistant Crystal Campbell and Washtenaw County Racial Equity Officer Alize Asberry Payne to use county issued credit cards for monthly SiriusXM subscriptions, to purchase tickets and tables from a Greek-affiliated organization’s “Black and Gold Gala,” ball. It’s not okay for elected officials to pay for chauffeured rides in MetroCars to anywhere, or to participate in a quid per quo “cover up” whereby Commissioners overspend their individual $7,000 travel and expense accounts by having the Racial Equity Officer use her County credit card to buy hotel rooms, plane tickets and food for certain Commissioners.

There are way too many taxpayers right here in Washtenaw County who are struggling to keep a roof over their heads, their children fed, to keep the lights and gas on and to live with the ever-rising costs of living, i.e. Inflation.

Commissioner Rabhi, I have known you for a long-time and believe you are a true leader on the Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners. It is my sincere hope you will show this leadership during your Board’s Wednesday, April 3, 2024, public meeting at 7 p.m. and speak up on behalf of all taxpayers in Washtenaw County, as well as County residents who rent.
Thank You, in advance,

Monica Ross Williams, MBA; LIA

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