Letter to the Editor: Why Jim Harbaugh Should be Fired

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by Lee Enochs

As a life-long fan of the University of Michigan football program, it greatly pains me to write this: it’s time for Jim Harbaugh to be fired for being embroiled in a sign-stealing scandal involving his coaching staff.

The current scandal involves U-M staffer Connor Stalions. Stalions purchased tickets for games played by teams in Michigan’s conference and possible future College Football Playoff opponents for the exclusive purpose of having an advantage in football games.

While Harbaugh denies any involvement or knowledge of Stalions’s activities, this protestation rings hollow. Does anyone really believe that Harbaugh had no prior knowledge of a member of his own staff purchasing tickets in his own name for more than 30 football games over the past season at eleven of the Big Ten schools?

Are we really supposed to take Harbaugh’s word for it that he had no knowledge of Stalions’s activities, and that Coach Harbaugh did not personally use any of the scouting information that Stalions gained from spying on all these rival college football teams?

Even if Harbaugh didn’t know about Stalions’s spying activities, which is a very dubious prospect, Harbaugh is ultimately to be blamed for the whole ordeal. After all, he is in charge of the Michigan Football program and the proverbial “buck” stops with him.

The whole spying scandal stinks to high heaven and is ultimately related to the “win at all costs” pragmatism that is so rampant in College Football these days.

For something that is supposed to be just a game of recreation, Division 1 football has become a multi-billion dollar industry. Jim Harbaugh–a “Michigan Man”–is simply not cut out of the same integrity- driven coaching credo of his mentor Bo Schembechler. Schembechler coached Michigan football for 20 years (1969-1989) without scandal.

This is the second major scandal in which Jim Harbaugh has been involved this year. He he has already missed three games this year due to a self-imposed suspension related to an alleged recruiting violation during the NCAA mandated Covid-19 dead period.

Perhaps the pressure of losing to Ohio State and fielding a mediocre team have motivated Harbaugh to cut corners and adopt a win-at-all-costs mentality.

While it’s great that Harbaugh and his football team are winning big these days, he is achieving these victories in the wrong way.

Unfortunately, hardly anyone is buying his explanation regarding this spying ordeal. It happened under Harbaugh’s watch and for this, he should be fired immediately. 

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