I Stand With Gov. Whitmer on Protecting the Right to Access Safe Abortions. Do You?

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by Nancy Wayne, Ph.D.

As a recently retired reproductive physiology professor and biomedical researcher of more than 25 years, educating the next generation of scientists, physicians and leaders has been my primary focus in higher education. The recent SCOTUS ruling overturning Roe v. Wade is reverberating through campuses across the United States, and I cannot stand idly by as my former students and young colleagues face the devastating reality that they may lose their bodily autonomy and that their lives may never look the same. Indeed, because of the abysmal maternal mortality rate in our country, some may not survive a forced pregnancy.

The protections guaranteed by Roe v, Wade have been the law of the land for 50 years–well before my students and younger colleagues were born, and now the right to an abortion has been gutted. As women’s reproductive freedom hangs on by a very thin thread in Michigan, we run the risk of setting our state back to a time when abortion was a criminal offense. I interact with people of reproductive age on many college campuses, including those throughout Michigan. They are furious and frightened about what this means for their futures. My students and young colleagues deserve better. Michiganders deserve better.

While these are dark and disturbing times, I am inspired every day to see people of all ages joining the fight for women’s reproductive rights.  I am proud and grateful to have a governor who is fighting right alongside them. Governor Gretchen Whitmer continues to deliver on her promise to fight like hell to protect access to safe, legal abortions in Michigan, holding the line for reproductive rights in Michigan. In April, she filed a lawsuit that asks the Michigan Supreme Court to protect the right to abortion and prevent abortion from becoming illegal in Michigan. I fully support her in this effort to make things right for women and girls who need to terminate their pregnancy.

The life and welfare of a pregnant women matter. Women and girls matter. Forcing anyone to undergo an unwanted pregnancy should be considered a human rights violation. I stand with Governor Whitmer in her fight to protect the reproductive rights of this generation and those to come. I strongly urge Michiganders to join Governor Whitmer in this fight.  

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