Get Ready for ypsiGLOW 2021

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by Jennifer Goulet

October is GLOW time in Ypsilanti! WonderFool Productions is excited to announce plans for ypsiGLOW 2021, the annual community-created celebration of the power of art and light in building commUNITY across Ypsilanti.

Photo: WonderFool Productions

In its sixth year, ypsiGLOW 2021 will be bigger and brighter than ever with art and lights shining all over the heart of Ypsilanti on Friday, October 29th from 6pm to 10pm. With a month of GLOWmaking activities all October, Ypsilanti shines the brightest on ypsiGLOW night when

everyone — all ages, abilities, and corners of the community – is invited to dress up, mask up, light the luminaries, and get ready to GLOW in town, at home, or online–wherever YOU want to shine your light!

This year’s theme – CONNECTIONS: Stars Shine Brightest Together – uplifts the power of Ypsilanti’s diversity and creativity in building a strong, resilient
community filled with promise and hope for the
future. Highlights of plans for ypsiGLOW2021 include an abundance of art, illumination, music, dance, theater, and so much more:

  • Socially distanced art installations and interactive experiences by local artists will activate storefront windows and public spaces across the Downtown, Depot Town, and West Cross Street districts and Riverside Park. From interactive theater and dance in windows, to walk-through maze puzzles and glowy constellations, hula hooping and belly dancing, living Ypsilanti portraits and mannequins in bubble wrap fashions, there will be creative sights and sounds all over town.
  • Masks, social distancing, and frequent hand sanitizing will be encouraged so everyone can GLOW safely. Art installations and experiences will be socially distanced, outdoors, or designed for viewing from sidewalks, streets, or park areas.
  • Ypsilanti’s iconic landmarks will be aglow — from the Riverside Park pedestrian “tridges” to the Depot Town Alley and Ypsilanti District Library downtown plaza, with lighting designed by TLS Productions in partnership with EMU’s Theater Tech program. Even the historic Water Tower is hoping to glow bright this year!
  • A new downtown mural created by local artist Curtis Wallace, in partnership with youth artists from Educate Youth 501c3 and the community, will be celebrated at 11 S. Washington Street. The mural is made possible thanks to support from the Ann Arbor Area Community Foundation, Ypsilanti Downtown Development Authority, building owner Sim Sethi, and WonderFool Productions.
  • GLOWmaking art activities are happening all October thanks to community partners and all ages and abilities are invited to make and share their creations for ypsiGLOW. The Ypsilanti District Library is offering hexagon kits for a community-build sculpture in the downtown library plaza. The Ann Arbor Hands On Museum is creating an LED Community Quilt connecting squares made by Ypsilanti and Ann Arbor participants. The University of Michigan Museum of Art is partnered with EMU Bright Futures and getting kids making shadow puppets as part of after school programs.

WonderFool Productions is still seeking funds to support the array of artists and creative experiences for this year’s event. For more information, visit SUPPORT or email

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