Local Campaigning Has Turned Negative: Connecting the Dots to See Past Campaign Mud-Slinging
by P.D. Lesko
Locally, candidates and their supporters have attacked incumbents and others as “conservative.” It muddies the water, particularly in partisan primary elections. Sometimes, then, it comes down to the credibility of the people making the allegations that their opponents or other candidates are, in reality, not who they seem to be. What’s a voter to do?
When voters are uninformed, negative campaigning works. However, it can be difficult for the average voter to connect candidates to their donors, PACs and donations. Here are three comprehensive, free online tools: FollowtheMoney.org, PoliticalMoneyline.com and, of course, the Washtenaw County Campaign Finance database.
Here’s one example of using the above tools: Campaign finance records show Ann Arbor resident Ned Staebler has donated $600 to Ward 4 candidate Jen Eyer. Through his Michigan Talent Agenda front group, Staebler has endorsed Jen Eyer. As himself and through the Michigan Talent Agenda front group, Staebler has on social media openly attacked the the Ward 4 incumbent as a “conservative.” Mayor Taylor, meanwhile, has touted Eyer’s “progressive” credentials and attacked the incumbents as “conservatives.” Ward 3 lifelong Democrat Tony Brown was recently smeared as a Republican, as well.
From the campaign finance databases referred to above, here are campaign finance data that shine light on these recent allegations made by the Mayor and others.
1. Campaign finance records show that Jen Eyer is supported by the Midwest Strategy Group PAC. That PAC donates the majority of its money to Republican candidates, according to state records. Candidates supported by this PAC include Jen Eyer, Bill Schuette, Mike Shirkey, Tim Walberg, Ruth Johnson, Randy Richardville and dozens of other Michigan Republicans.

2. Ann Arbor resident Ned Staebler has endorsed Dr. Lisa Disch, Linh Song, Jen Eyer and Erica Briggs. For the past several years, Staebler has made contributions to the Friends of Wayne State PAC. Through that PAC, which gives the majority of its donations to Michigan Republicans, Staebler has supported the campaigns of former Lt. Governor Brian Calley, Mark Huizenga, Bill Schuette, Mike Shirkey, Tim Walberg, as well as many other Michigan Republicans (image below).