Where to Get Cash, Food and Internet During the Covid Crisis

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Even after modest business grants from the Washtenaw United Way dried up after just two weeks, local businesses are scrambling for PPP loans from the SBA and a few have even managed to land the elusive funding. Individuals and families—particularly those among the millions who’ve been furloughed and let go—are in need of help. Ann Arbor schools are closed and Gov. Whitmer recently extended Michigan’s state of emergency until the end of May. This all means that some families will not have enough food or resources for the coming weeks. 

There are about 750,000 children in Michigan who normally receive free and reduced lunch at school during the school year. To ensure children are still getting nutritious meals, school districts throughout the state have set up food distribution sites. AAPS recently announced that, in partnership with Chartwell’s, the district had served up 175,000 meals to its students over the past seven weeks. Private businesses and neighbors are chipping in with food, internet service and cash, too.

Here is a list of statewide resources to help you and your family— or places you can consider helping — during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has temporarily suspended evictions in Michigan.

Freddie Mac — Offering mortgage relief options for those who are unable to make their mortgage payments due to a decline in income, including forbearance for up to 12 months, waiving penalties and fees, halting foreclosure sales/evictions of borrowers in Freddie Mac-owned homes until May 17, and more. myhome.freddiemac.com/own/getting-help-disaster.html

Fannie Mae – Homeowners who are adversely impacted by this national emergency may request mortgage assistance by contacting their mortgage servicer. Foreclosure sales and evictions of borrowers are suspended for 60 days. Homeowners impacted by this national emergency are eligible for a forbearance plan to reduce or suspend their mortgage payments for up to 12 months. https://www.fanniemae.com/portal/media/corporate-news/2020/covid-homeowner-assistance-options-7000.html

The Homeless Shelters Directory is a directory of shelters and other homeless services for people with urgent housing needs. You can find support close to you.


Disaster Distress Helpline – 1-800-985-5990 — This 24/7/365 service from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration provides crisis counseling for people going through both natural and human-caused disasters. It’s free, multi-lingual and confidential. You can also text TalkWithUs to 66746.

National Suicide Prevention Hotline
If you’re feeling alone and struggling, you can also reach out to
The Crisis Text Line by texting TALK to 741741 or National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK

Headspacea free mental health resource for Michiganders during the COVID-19 pandemic, offers meditations, at-home workouts and other help for stress and anxiety.

Seniors in need of daily or periodic wellness-check calls can sign up at the state Department of Health and Human Services sites for assistance.

Other statewide resources

2-1-1 — Call 2-1-1 from any phone to be connected to a list of statewide resources for everything from food and diapers to rental assistance and bus fare. You can also search their online database.

Alzheimer’s Association of Michigan has free online support groups to offer caregivers and those living with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia with social interaction, educational information and support.  View their virutal offerings here.

American Red Cross is in desperate need of blood donations. Find out where to give here

AT&T will offer free internet access to new customers for two months and low-income households can continue to subscribe for $10/month. All public WiFi hotspots are open to anyone. AT&T will not terminate service of any customer due to an inability to pay and all late payment fees will be waived. Click here to learn more.

Essential workers ( police officers, firefighters, health care workers, postal workers, sanititation workers, etc.,) in need of child care can get assistance finding help .

Comcast and Charter Communications will offer free internet access to low-income families. Internet and cable will not be suspended. Click here for guidelines.

Feeding America has a nationwide network of 200 food banks and 60,000 food pantries. They help food banks across the country support the most vulnerable communities affected by the pandemic. You can donate here or find your local food bank here.

Food assistance Temporary food assistance (Bridge card) for eligible low-income families and individuals is available from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Use MI Bridges to apply for assistance, check your eligibility status and manage your account online.

Food Pantries runs an online directory of local pantries, soup kitchens, food shelves, food banks and other food help and you can search by state for nearby aid.

Free food. Residents 60 and older are eligible for home-delivery or pick-up meals during the outbreak. Fill out the form here. Seniors can also request a daily wellness-check phone calls.

Meals on Wheels: Delivers nutritious meals to vulnerable seniors. You can contact your local provider or donate to the national group here.

Need Help Paying Bills has a list of emergency as well as long-term financial assistance programs. Based on various conditions, households can receive rental assistance, food, free medical care, daycare vouchers, medical care and energy bill assistance among other resources.

More than a dozen informal, grassroots networks are operating statewide. Sometimes known as mutual aid groups, they work alongside government agencies and charities and can assist with grocery deliveries, financial assistance, child care and more.  Check out the map (right) from Michigan Radio to find a local group to join.

Michigan Small Business During COVID-19 offers guidance for small-business owners

Michigan Treasury Collections Service Center Assistance may be available for those who have been laid off due to COVID-19 regarding past due state taxes or other state debts call 517-636-5265 or visit www.michigan.gov/taxes

The State Unemployment Office will extend benefits to workers who are sick, quarantined or taking care of family members who are ill. First responders in the public health community who became ill or quarantined due to exposure are also eligible. Self-employed workers and independent contractors who don’t have access to unemployment insurance will now have access to benefits. Click here to fill out the application online or call 1-866-500-0017.

USBG National Charity Foundation is offering grant assistance to bartenders and their families. Click here to fill out the application.

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