Just so We’re Clear About Who’s Who….Kinda: Ann Arbor Front Group Asks For Money

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The Koch brothers spent a total of $220 million on the 2014 midterm elections through their right-wing political advocacy front groups, such as Americans for Prosperity. Front groups raise money by spinning false narratives. This post (screenshot) comes from a site related to local politics and it might be of interest with the dots fully connected:

1. The Michigan Talent Agenda is funded by the Independent Michigan Political Action Committee Inspire Michigan

2. Michigan Secretary of State records show that Inspire Michigan is registered to a local Ann Arbor man (https://cfrsearch.nictusa.com/documents/487248)

3. The PAC currently has $200, donated to it by the PAC’s owner.

4. In the post (composed by a third person, does not make clear that Michigan Talent Agenda is operated by the man whose comment is quoted), the person behind the PAC/Michigan Talent Agenda is not identified and the owner chose not to self-identify.

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