Super Drunk State Representative Rebekah Warren Tells Arresting Officer, “I’m a Senator.”

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Former state senator and current state representative for the 55th district Rebekah Warren was shown on dashcam begging police officers not to take her in for a DUI because the move would end her career and go down in history as their most “famous arrest.” Michigan State Police said she was nearly three times the legal limit of .08 after she was pulled over 11:18 pm on December 26, 2019 after an event at the Renaissance Center in Detroit. Her blood alcohol level was that of an individual who was super drunk.

While handcuffed in the backseat of the police car, Rep. Warren says to the arresting officer: “You don’t understand, I’m elected. I’m a senator. People will be, like, ‘The senator got arrested.'” Warren also says: “Do you understand, there’s going to be a moment that we’re both going to be on TV. It’s going to be, like, the senator from Ann Arbor’s career is over. This is like career-ending for me.

Previously, Rep. Warren served two terms as State Representative for Michigan’s 53rd District, from 2007 to 2010. In her capacity as a State Representative in 2008, she voted to pass the public act creating the “super drunk” law which took effect Oct. 31, 2010.

The law states that if the driver’s BAC is higher than 0.17 and it’s their first offense, they face up to 180 days in jail, 360 hours of community service and six points on their license.

If convicted they have to undergo an alcohol treatment program and pay a fine of up to $700.

The impaired driving law states: “Anyone who refuses a breath test the first time is given an automatic one-year driver’s license suspension. For a second refusal within seven years, the suspension is two years.”

Those convicted are required to have ignition interlock device installed in their vehicle in order to receive a restricted license after theirs have been suspended 45 days.

Representative Warren, 48, is seen in an Auburn Hills police dashcam video failing her field sobriety test. She stumbles when attempting to walk in a straight line in socks, is unable to count and recite the alphabet. 

Warren also fails to precisely follow the movements of the arresting officer’s finger with her eyes while keeping her head still.

Warren refused to take part in a breathalyzer test at the scene and after two vials of blood were withdrawn at a nearby hospital on a search warrant, authorities learned her blood alcohol was .212.

Throughout the encounter, Warren is heard bragging about her status in the community, including misidentifying herself as a state senator.

Warren – who took office in January 2019 – was pulled over in her black Jeep Cherokee the day after Christmas following several reports of a vehicle swerving on the Interstate 75.

Warren was arraigned and issued a personal cash bond of $500.

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