by The Ann Arbor Independent Editorial Team
The City of Ann Arbor has accepted a donation from the Huron River Watershed Council (HRWC) of six boat lockers that will be available for rent for the 2017 season at Bandemer Park (1352 Lakeshore Drive, Ann Arbor). Ann Arbor Parks and Recreation is working in collaboration with the HRWC to bring this feature to the parks. The lockers will help provide a convenient option for residents looking to enjoy paddle sports on the Huron River and will be rented for $30 per month.
The boat locker design was created by MAde Studio, Taubman College of Architecture + Urban Planning, University of Michigan. The lockers are sized to accommodate a majority of boat sizes, including kayaks and canoes, as well as stand-up paddleboards. The lockers are designed as modules to enable flexibility for growth in numbers should the locker rental program prove to be popular.

Ann Arbor residents interested in applying for a locker can complete an application and submit it in person at Larcom City Hall (customer service center, 301 E. Huron St.), Cobblestone Farm (customer service, 2781 Packard Road) and Gallup (3000 Fuller Road) and Argo (1055 Longshore Drive) canoe liveries. Forms will be accepted through May 15.
“As a Trail Town on the 104-mile Huron River National Water Trail, the City of Ann Arbor offers scenic riverside parks, exciting cascades and placid stillwater trips for trail users,” said Elizabeth Riggs, HRWC deputy director and RiverUp! manager. “The lockers are a key amenity that offer safe and sturdy storage for residents with their own boats looking for on-the-water access. HRWC, through the private-public partnership called RiverUp!, is pleased to donate the prototype storage solution for the Trail Towns on the Water Trail with a vision of more lockers from Milford to Dexter, and Ypsilanti to Flat Rock.”
Locker assignments will be drawn on Tuesday, May 16. Applications can be picked up at the four locations listed above, or online at
For more information, contact Josh Landefeld, Parks and Recreation Deputy Manager, at 734.794.6230 ext. 42501 or email him here, .