Sierra Club Endorses Anglin, Eaton, and Kunselman for Ann Arbor City Council

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The Sierra Club, Huron Valley Group, and Sierra Club, Michigan Chapter today formally announced several endorsements of incumbent City Council members, each facing challengers in the Democratic primary in August.

“We are very pleased to announce today that the Sierra Club has endorsed four community leaders who will stand up for our city parks and parks funding, said James D’Amour, Sierra Club, Huron Valley Group Political Chair..

Stephen Kunselman (D-3rd Ward)

John (“Jack”) Eaton (D-4th Ward)

Mike Anglin (D-5th Ward)

These candidates have been consistent in their policies and standing up for fundamental values we are looking for, and that the citizens of Ann Arbor are looking for in their council members when it comes to overall environmental issues.

The environmental group’s endorsement list does not include either of the candidates running in Ward 1, Mayor Pro Tempore Sabra Briere or Will Leaf, both Democrats. Mayor Taylor, a Democrat, has openly endorsed the challengers running against Council members Anglin and Kunselman.

In Ann Arbor, environmental protection and preservation of open space is an established value demanded by our city and its citizens. While greater development of the city provides significant opportunities, it is important that our central policy be protection of the environment first and foremost.

We sat down with these councilmembers and their challengers to ask significant questions about Ann Arbor’s future on issues of the environment, and reviewed their history in terms of their civic involvement as well as, where applicable, their past actions as elected officials. To be sure, we were impressed by each of the challenger’s ideas, background, and earnestness to make a difference in protecting the environment. We hope to work with each of them in the future and hope they will continue to play a positive role on these issues. If only every city had incumbents and challengers with the protection of the environment central to their heart as each of these individuals here. In many regards, this was a difficult decision.

But at the end, it came down to our overriding issues of parks protection, parks funding, protection of remaining open spaces within the city, review of our zoning policies related to the environment, and protection of our natural systems. In our judgment, Councilmembers Anglin and Eaton remain our central champions on these issues, and Councilmember Kunselman has been steadfast in protection of our parks.

“We pledge to do all we can to help ensure these outstanding candidates are elected to City Council.”

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