Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Deputy Wins HVA ‘Life Saving Award’

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by Joyce Williams

At their annual EMS Recognition awards dinner on May 19, Huron Valley Ambulance honored the late Joe Dulin with a Special Recognition Award for his contributions while serving on the HVA Board of Trustees. Dulin was elected to the HVA Board in 1999, served as Secretary/Treasurer and Finance Committee Chair from 2012 to 2014 and began his term as HVA Board Chair in January 2014. In all, he completed five terms on the HVA Board. An excerpt from the award states. “He brought the same enthusiasm and care to our Board as he brought to all the commitroments in his life. As an involved and responsible community representative, he held HVA accountable and encouraged us to continually improve, especially in the area of workforce diversity. Leading by example, he challenged us to continue to be fair to all employees and treat all patients with dignity.” Dulin died on October 23, 2014. Joe’s son Charles Dulin and daughter Dr. Doris Fields and his two granddaughters accepted the award on behalf of Yvonne Dulin who could not attend the event.

That same evening, HVA management recognized employees for their professional achievements and safe driving. Professional achievement awards acknowledge the outstanding performance, quality of work, contributions beyond the job description and team effort of employees. Safe driving awards acknowledge employees who maintain exceptionally safe driving records.

Also at the event, exemplary citizens were presented with HVA Life Saving Awards. The award recognizes efforts to save a life under extraordinary circumstances or as part of a cardiac arrest response using an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) or CPR.

l to r: Paramedic Steve Dillon, Rebecca Vickers (Michael’s daughter), Michael Vickers, Paramedic Kathy Roeser, Deputy Michael Williams

This year’s HVA Life Saving Award went to Scott Kowalski of South Lyon and Officer Michael Williams from the Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office. On January 19, 2015, Scott Kowalski was appraising Michael Vickers’ home in Dexter when Vickers suddenly collapsed from cardiac arrest. Kowalski called 9-1-1 and received CPR phone instructions from HVA Dispatch. Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Officer Michael Williams responded first and helped Scott with CPR. After HVA paramedics and Dexter Area firefighters arrived and provided defibrillation and medication, Vickers regained consciousness and was breathing spontaneously during transport. Today, he has recovered and is doing well.

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