Progress Michigan Announces “Adopt-a-Pothole” Program

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On June 2, Progress Michigan announced its new “Adopt-a-Pothole” program that will allow Michigan citizens to nominate Michigan’s worst potholes by naming them after elected officials who have failed to fix Michigan’s crumbling roads.

For a small donation, which Progress Michigan will use to fight for a responsible solution to fix Michigan roads, residents will be able to email a picture of one of Michigan’s numerous potholes along with the name of the lawmaker they are naming it after and have it posted on the Progress Michigan website.

Each week, four nominees will compete for worst pothole with the winner receiving a bumper sticker highlighting the poor condition of Michigan’s roads and legislators’ failure to fix them.

“It’s been a month since voters overwhelmingly rejected the Snyder roads plan, yet we have seen nothing more from our representatives than pie-in-the-sky plans based on fuzzy math that punish hard working families,” said Lonnie Scott, executive director of Progress Michigan. “Our hope is that by putting a face to the potholes, voters will understand why our roads are so bad and will feel empowered to hold our elected officials accountable for their failure to find a solution. Maybe then, we can get House and Senate leadership to present a responsible roads plan.”

Anyone wishing to adopt a pothole may do so here.

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