Ann Arbor Police Department Asks for Public Input on a Pair of Customer Service Surveys

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The Ann Arbor Police Department now has two surveys available online in order to gather community input on safety in the city and satisfaction during encounters with police personnel.

A general survey,, asks residents to share their perceptions of how secure they feel in Ann Arbor neighborhoods, parks and commercial areas. Feedback, or common themes, gathered from the perception-of-safety survey will be shared on a regularly scheduled basis via the police Web page (

The AAPD service-satisfaction survey,, will invite feedback from the community regarding their specific interactions with Ann Arbor Police Department employees. The satisfaction survey includes questions on professionalism and timeliness as well as on the overall performance of the department in handling or addressing their particular issue.

“The perspectives shared on these surveys will help us as we strive to provide the best possible service to the community,” noted Ann Arbor Police Chief John Seto.

Both surveys are accessible via links on the police Web page,

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