City Requests Voluntary Car Removal to Facilitate Additional Snow Plowing

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Starting Tuesday, Feb. 24, the City of Ann Arbor will begin additional snow removal from targeted streets. Therefore, drivers parked on those neighborhood streets are being asked to voluntarily remove their vehicles from street parking for a brief timeframe (see schedule below) to assist with the effort. This work will widen roadway access for emergency vehicles and solid waste collection.

The targeted snow plowing will take place between 7 and 11 p.m. at the locations and on the dates listed below. Locations and dates are subject to change should weather or other circumstances require staff attention. Notice will be provided by street signage, notices on vehicles, when necessary, and delivered to every home in the areas.

Cars should be removed from the street before 7 p.m. on the scheduled date.

Street                                                  Location                                             Date

West Kingsley Street                       North Ashley to North First                 Tuesday, Feb. 24

Carey Street                                       Division to Depot                                Wednesday, Feb. 25

Elizabeth Street                                  Kingsley to High                                 Wednesday, Feb. 25

High Street                                         Division to Fuller                                 Wednesday, Feb. 25

Harvard Place                                    Geddes to end                                    Thursday, Feb. 26

Ridgeway Street                                Geddes to end                                     Thursday, Feb. 26

Garden Circle                                    Thaler to end                                       Tuesday, Mar. 3

Thaler Avenue                                   Carolina to end                                    Tuesday, Mar. 3

Vaughn Street                                    Packard to E. University                      Wednesday, Mar. 4

Greenwood Avenue                           Packard to E. University                      Thursday, Mar. 5

Village Oaks Court                             South Main to end                               Tuesday, Mar. 10

Dewey Street                                      State Street to Packard                       Wednesday, Mar. 11

Krause Street                                      All                                                        Thursday, Mar. 12

Chapin Street                                      Huron to Miller                                     Tuesday, Mar. 17

Winewood Avenue                              All                                                        Wednesday, Mar. 18

Sylvan Avenue                                    White to Packard                                 Thursday, Mar. 19

White Street                                        Stimson to Stadium                             Tuesday, Mar. 24

Rose Avenue                                      Golden to White                                   Wednesday, Mar. 25

Adams Avenue                                    South Main to Hill                                Thursday, Mar. 26

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