Sustainable Ann Arbor Monthly Series Continues With Feb. 12 Gathering

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CITY OFFICIALS ARE inviting resident to join the conversation about sustainability in Ann Arbor. The City of Ann Arbor and the Ann Arbor District Library are hosting the fourth annual “Sustainable Ann Arbor” series. A think tank of local stakeholders, including community organizations, local government staff, businesses and residents will join the public to discuss local sustainability efforts and challenges in our community.

The second event in this four-part series will focus on economic vitality, one of the 16 sustainability goals from Ann Arbor’s sustainability framework. The event will be held Thursday, Feb. 12, 7–8:30 p.m. at the Ann Arbor District Main Library, at 343 S. Fifth Ave.

Speakers will include:

  • Matthew Naud, Environmental Coordinator, City of Ann Arbor.
  • Wendy Rampson, Planning Manager, City of Ann Arbor.
  • Amber Miller, Planning & Research Specialist, Downtown Development Authority.
  • Connie Pulcipher, Systems Planner, City of Ann Arbor.
  • Rena Basch, Founder, Locavorious, and Board Member, Food System Economic Partnership.
  • Neel Hajra, President and CEO, Ann Arbor Area Community Foundation.

Upcoming events in the series include:

March 12, 2015 – Sustainable Systems, including an overview of city wet weather projects and community-led solutions to increased precipitation.

April 9, 2015 – Responsible Resource Use, including an overview of waste, compost and recycling across the community.

Programs include brief presentations followed by a question-and-answer session. The forums offer an opportunity to learn more about sustainability in the community and tips for actions that residents can take to live more sustainably. Details will be posted online at


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