LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Bias Against Ferguson Officer Darren Wilson

I originally thought this paper was going to be a more balanced paper than the Ann Arbor News, and was looking forward to reading it.

I would like to say how disturbing the Darren Wilson op-ed was to me. In a country that is being divided along every line it can be for political gain and the such, it makes me sick to see how biased the Darren Wilson case and race in America is presented by Tim Wise in your paper.

Consider the fact that most cases that go to a grand jury return an indictment. With all the public and political pressure for an indictment of officer Wilson, do you really think there could be any doubt as to his innocence?  If there was anything he could have been charged with, they would have indicted him.

The damage the media is doing to law enforcement by this sort of despicable reporting and editorials will make matters worse. I have little doubt that if Officer Wilson had been black himself, there would likely have been the same outcome for Mr. Brown. The only difference is, we would know nothing about it. We would never have heard of it!

Yes, I believe there is racism in our country and always will be some. I also believe the majority of officers serving to keep us safe, (all of us) are good upstanding citizens. There could be a racist officer serving somewhere, and if he acts inappropriately, he should be dealt with, but when you try to pin that label on innocent officers just doing their job, you make the real cases of racism of less consequence.

Anyone that buys into all this garbage in this article, should look at some real statistics. I have to ask myself, What is there to gain by causing such hatred and division in America?  Each person should ask themselves that same question.

There’s a sure fire way for all people not to get shot by police…comply, teach your kids to respect authority and Law enforcement. What does the writer mean “drunk on law-and-order fantasies”?  We are a country of laws, and we should have order. Is the writer some kind of communist, anarchist or what?

 Lori Miner 

Ann Arbor,  Mi


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