EDITORIAL: Once Again Rep. Zemke Shows Poor Judgement

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FROM GETTING INVOLVED in local elections through endorsements in Democratic primary elections between Democratic candidates,  to “endorsing” a proposed annexation of the Whitmore Lake Public School district, Rep. Adam Zemke continues to insert himself into local politics in ways that are inappropriate. At more than one of the informational meetings arranged by AAPS officials at which voters could ask questions, Mr. Zemke announced his support of the proposed annexation. At one of the informational meetings, Zemke publicaly challenged the opinion of an attendee.

Mr. Zemke is entitled to his personal opinions. However, he did not attend the AAPS informational meetings as Mr. Zemke. He introduced himself as Rep. Adam Zemke. An opinion piece posted to The Ann Arbor News’ website was authored by Rep. Adam Zemke. His persistent efforts to convince people to vote a particular way on a ballot question leaves us with the opinion that he is less prepared to provide factual information than he is to work on behalf of AAPS officials regardless of the many issues brought up by those opposed to the proposal.

As an elected representative, he has the responsibility to look after the best interests of the people who placed him in office. While the annexation of the Whitmore Lake Public Schools may appear to Rep. Zemke as the best course of action, that does not negate his responsibility to behave professionally, provide information that is unbiased and work in the best interests of his constituents. He does not represent Whitmore Lake in the Michigan House of Representatives. He does not represent the Ann Arbor Public Schools.

It is notable that Ann Arbor’s other state-level officials neither endorsed nor spoke out against the proposed annexation. To be sure, both have engaged in the same kind of inappropriate personal politicking on behalf of organizations and issues. However, in this instance, we commend Rep. Irwin and Sen. Warren for remaining above the local fray and concentrating on state-level issues concerning education.

Rep. Zemke has yet to learn that by inserting himself into Demcratic primary elections and by taking sides on a ballot question issue, he seriously undermines his credibility and loses sight of the job he was sent to Lansing to do.

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