Saline Mayor Announces Endorsements, Challenger Releases Statement Touting “Successes”

IN SALINE, THE race for mayor has been contentious. Just days after Mayor Brian Marl released a statement in which he announced the endorsements of several elected officials, including county commissioners.

Challenger Lee Bourgoin shot back with a statement that focused on his “successes.”

“In lieu of political endorsements, as a non-incumbent I can only speak truth to power. My achievements will testify that I have the know-how to fully maintain services, while lowering taxes back down in over two dozen ways,” said Bourgoin’s release.

Saline City Council member Lee Bourgoin is challenging incumbent Mayor Brian Marl.

Bourgoin quoted various individuals, including Saline’s former City Manager Larry Stoever. According to Bourgoin’s statement, Stoever was quoted as saying, “I think you are the most loyal person to the City of Saline that I know of. You deserve to be Mayor and the residents need you to be mayor.”

Bourgoin’s statement also included this comment was former Mayor Pat Little: “Nineteen years ago when we improved budgets and created downtown parking to attract businesses like Mac’s Acadian Seafood, Mayor Pat Little spoke of me in his State of the City address not only solid administrative skills and experience, but also a strong dose of common sense and fairness.”

At their Oct. 17 debate, Marl mocked Bourgoin by sniping “There he goes again,” using a comment made famous by Ronald Regan in a 1980 debate with President Jimmy Carter. Bourgoin, in return, repeatedly assured listeners that he did not dislike Marl personally, but was running for mayor “to do a better job.”

Marl, a former Saline City Council member, was elected to the Mayor’s office in 2012. Bourgoin is Saline’s former financial manager.

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