New Poll: Michigan Voters Back Climate Action, Clean Energy

A majority of Michigan voters prefer a candidate that supports action on climate change and clean, renewable energy, according to a new poll released today by the national League of Conservation Voters, NRDC Action Fund and NextGen Climate Action.

“This latest polling reaffirms what we’ve been hearing every day when we talk to voters: Protecting our air, land and water is a top priority for Michiganders,” said Lisa Wozniak, Executive Director for Michigan LCV. “This research confirms that energy and the environment are winning issues at the voting booth and we’re working to make sure Michiganders know they have a clear choice when it comes to who will protect our Great Lakes and reduce pollution.”

According to the poll, more than half of Michiganders have heard about candidates’ positions on climate and energy issues.

• 68 percent of voters are more favorable toward candidates that support expanding clean energy technologies, including solar and wind

• 54 percent of voters are more favorable toward candidates that believe government should take action on climate change and carbon pollution

• 53 percent of voters are less favorable toward candidates supported by the Koch brothers, oil billionaires spending millions to push their agenda

“Climate change is impacting communities across Michigan—from extreme flooding to toxic algae blooms—and voters are looking for candidates with solutions,” said MLCV Deputy Director Jack Schmitt. “Through our sweeping field program, we’re turning out voters to elect Gary Peters and Mark Schauer—champions who will rise to the challenge of addressing climate change and protecting Pure Michigan.”

The Michigan League of Conservation Voters, through its affiliated SuperPAC, the Conservation Voters of Michigan PAC, launched an unprecedented $1 million Get Out The Vote program in six cities across the state. The program will reach hundreds of thousands of voters in Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo, Monroe, Southwest Detroit, Saginaw and Muskegon by November 4.

The poll, conducted by Hart Research, conducted 1,505 voters in 5 states, including 300 in Michigan. The poll was conducted for the League of Conservation Voters, Natural Resources Defense Council Action Fund, and NextGen Climate. More details are available here.

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