President Obama Visiting Michigan Saturday to Stump for Schauer and Peters

by Rob Smith

President Barack Obama is planning to speak at Wayne State University on Saturday Nov. 1—the last weekend before Election Day to stump for Democratic candidates U.S. Senate nominee Gary Peters and gubernatorial candidate Mark Schauer.

According to a news release from the Michigan Democratic Party, the ticketed event is free and open to the public. Tickets will be available on a first come, first serve basis beginning at 5 p.m. on Wednesday at Michigan Democratic Party Coordinated Offices across metro Detroit.

“We are honored to have President Obama come to Michigan and highlight just how much is at stake this November,” said Lon Johnson, Michigan Democratic Party Chair, in a statement.

Obama’s last visit to Michigan came in April when he gave a speech at the University of Michigan in support of his $10.10 proposal to raise the minimum wage.

The event will be held at Wayne State’s Matthaei Physical Education Center at 5101 John C. Lodge. Doors for the event open at 4 p.m.

Ticket pick-up locations:

17243 Mack Ave., Detroit

7309 Lilley Rd., Canton

18409 Livernois Ave., Detroit

17100 W. Twelve Mile Rd., Lower Level, Southfield

4 N. Saginaw, 2nd Floor, Pontiac

23918 Cherry Hill St., Dearborn

3810 Packard Rd., Suite 230, Ann Arbor

18708 Telegraph Rd., Suite C7, Brownstown

29136 Ryan Rd., Warren

2842 E. Grand River Ave., East Lansing

  1. Peter Piper says

    Seal the border? Return America to the people? President Obama is coming to Detroit to get out the vote. Voting is how Americans decide who gets to lead. As for your voter fraud tirade, go get some actual data concerning voter fraud. It’s virtually non-existent. Terri Lynn Land imploded and Snyder is running for his political life, as he should be.

  2. Dave Francis says

    Think about what this Liberal Progressive government has adversely accomplished? Huge tax and spend. 7 Trillion dollars since Obama has been in office. 40 Million American in part time or seeking a job–any job. The Advancement of the Politically Correct Police force, denying Americans the freedom of Speech; little or no enforcement at the borders, with the welcome mat from this administration; scandals and smear tactics against the Tea Party and GOP; No accountability for criminal acts by federal officials; and the list goes on.

    The administrations inception was the gun running scandal, placing weapons in the hands of drug cartels in Mexico. Certain radical Democrats have abused the political system, which the founding fathers worried about. Obama has circumvented Immigration laws, and used a gray border line to import unknown numbers of foreign national costing the taxpayer hundreds of billions of dollars.

    Stand up for the principles on which our nation was founded — free enterprise, individual liberty, the right to private property, religious freedom, limited government, and a strong national defense.

    BECAUSE OF THE SERIOUSNESS OF THE MIDTERM ELECTIONS, AMERICANS MUST BE ON THEIR GUARD FOR NON-CITIZENS ILLEGALLY VOTING? The Left have no sense of honor, to stop illegal aliens from voting or people voting in two/three different precincts or other counties and even violating the law with absentee ballots. A study by Cooperative Congressional Election Study (CCES) shows what many Americans are aware of Obama and the Executive know—illegal aliens have been voting. Yes, they recognize it is illegal—but being in this country without documents is also illegal. More than 14 percent of non-citizens in both the 2008 and 2010 samples indicated that they were registered to vote.

    Mass numbers of disease-infested illegal aliens are asphyxiating our southern borders with Obama executive orders spurring them on. If you have been with moderate Conservatives as a part of the verbal revolution from the start then, you know that this has been a long hard fight—until the midterms.

    US Border Patrol agents have been telling us that the illegal aliens are crossing the border claiming, “Obama will take care of us” as if it has been carefully orchestrated—taught before they even cross the border into the U.S.

    The federal immigration officers union that represents thousands of federal agents is raising the alarm by reporting that the contracted vendors to create 34 million blank work ID’s and green cards, speculating that the Obama administration may be preparing executive directives internally to for illegal aliens. It makes you suspicious how many illegal aliens are really in the United States? Remember numbers are mainly based on the Census enumeration, so you cannot deny how many people shunned the census agent who came to the door, collecting data.

    President Obama is the most anti-American president in the history of our country. He hides behind a cloak of lies, spewing propaganda and utter disdain for our Rule of Law. He’s allowed Muslim Brotherhood to infiltrate the White House and has funded the murderers and haters of America with our taxpayer dollars. Are you ready to say “NO MORE? We’ve had enough.

    You know as well as I do that is restrained Conservatism, with the outreach of Tea Party leaders. All along Dr. Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, Lt. Colonel Allen West, Rand Paul is the leading Tea Party leaders who don’t see Americans dependent on a bloated government from cradle to grave. We are not en mass a ‘Give me, Give Me nation? The something for—NOTHING people will be first in line to vote. America needs jobs—not handouts. Unless you have credence in this form of repressive society, the secrecy from the top, that is not dissimilar from the Russian state. The Tea Party has been the only one fighting for our Constitution, for ‘We’ the People and for everything our Founding Fathers stood for?

    Even our critical energy supplies have been under attack, by harsh regulations by the EPA on coal, natural gas and oil. Shale oil is making America rich, and able to assist friendly governments. But if the Liberal fringe gets its way, we will become dependent on windmills, etc.

    All we need are six seats to take back the Senate. Give the Republican Party to right the wrongs, from Obama care, sealing the border and stop government agencies spying on Americans. We win them and we can rollback Obama’ agenda. Return America to the PEOPLE. It is critical we get out the word that we need our candidates to win.

    1. ma says

      You are spot on Dave. I cannot understand why we as Americans cannot stop this wave of deceptions since at least 2008(maybe earlier) attempted to remove our rights and destroy the principles which have made our country exceptional. I think we need a regiment of lawyers in addition to principled leaders in the party to demonstrate an outline of cause and effect issue per issue combined with pragmatic media exposure daily until all is rooted out and the land made whole.

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