LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Why Women Should Support Gary Peters

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As a woman, I have decided that Gary Peters is the right choice for Michigan women in the U.S. Senate race. While I support women in political office, it is more important to focus on how the candidate will represent the women of their state. There is a clear contrast between Gary’s strong support for policies that are right for women, and his opponent’s unfortunate anti-women agenda that would turn back the clock on women’s rights.

For example, Gary supports equal pay for equal work and helped introduce the Paycheck Fairness Act, which would help enforce equal pay. One of his first votes in the U.S. House was for the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act that is helping to eliminate wage discrimination. Gary also helped introduce legislation to overturn the U.S. Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby decision, which lets employers make health care decision for women employees and restricts their access to birth control.

I’m proud to support Gary Peters as our next U.S. Senator because he supports Michigan’s women. I know our fight is personal for Gary, too. I have heard him speak about how he thinks of his two teenage daughters when he fights for equal pay and women’s health. Gary has shown that he will fight for his daughters to have the same rights as his son, and he will be a strong advocate for women in the U.S. Senate.

Joanna Snyder
Ann Arbor, MI

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