Washtenaw County Among Agencies That Will Receive a Portion of $6.8M in Michigan State Housing Development Authority Grant

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ACTING EXECUTIVE Director Wayne Workman last week announced nearly $6.8 million in Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) monies to help Michigan’s 92,000 homeless.

Washtenaw County is set to receive $310,975 in funding. The county has an estimated 5,000 homeless adults and children. The county has a total of 171 emergency shelter beds. Of those, according to data compiled by county officials, 980 adults are in families and approximately 1,000 are children. For those individuals, Washtenaw County has available 62 emergency shelter beds.

County officials estimate that 170 of the homeless are veterans and that almost one-quarter of those homeless in the county are victims of domestic violence.

12 agencies throughout Washtenaw County, coordinated by the Continuum of Care Board, the Washtenaw Housing Alliance, and the Washtenaw County Office of Community & Economic Development, specifically address homelessness with a continuum of services. Many additional agencies and institutions provide services to prevent, ameliorate, or end homelessness.

MSHDA matching dollars combined with Federal ESG monies of nearly $6.8 million will reach 73 Michigan counties to help the homeless population get off the street and into a shelter. The grants will fund short-term leasing assistance, street outreach, case management and emergency shelter services for Michigan’s homeless and at-risk homeless populations today through Sept. 30, 2015.

“I am pleased to announce funding that shows MSHDA’s continued commitment to its mission and the urgent housing needs of those facing homelessness across our state. Families and individuals shouldn’t have to worry about a roof over their head as the bitter cold of winter approaches,” Workman said.

Funding assistance goes directly to public and nonprofit organizations that respond to the needs of those experiencing homelessness through an implementation strategy known as a 10-Year Plan to End Homelessness.

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