LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Fracking in Michigan

Michigan is known as the Great Lakes State for a reason. However, if we continue to allow deep drilling endeavors there will be little reason to claim this namesake. Hydraulic fracturing, better known as “fracking,” places the resources of our Great Lakes State at risk. This process pumps gallons of water and chemicals deep underground to explore natural gas and oil deposits. A pressing concern of this complex problem is that these chemicals contain carcinogens, cancer-causing chemicals, many of which are never disclosed to the public.

Recently, Michigan accepted radioactive fracking waste for disposal from a Pennsylvania-based fracking venture. We should be pushing for action against dangerous fracking operations at home, not accepting the overflow of waste from around the country. The possibility exists that this waste can leak into our water supply and this is a chance no Michigan resident should be willing to take.

Oil is not the only valuable resource our land has to offer. Our Great Lakes and water supply deserve protection. Call Governor Snyder at 517-373-3400 and encourage the establishment of a moratorium in order to prevent fracking permits and further harm to our already endangered water supply.

Kendall Torp

Canton, MI

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