Ann Arbor Independent Reader Survey Results

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THE ANN ARBOR Independent conducted a reader survey between July 1 and July 15. We received a total of 260 completed surveys in both electronic and written formats. What follow are the final results of the survey. Not every respondent answered all of the questions. The survey was open to both those who subscribe to the newspaper and those who do not. It was open to people who live within Ann Arbor and those who live in neighboring communities.

Do you subscribe to The Ann Arbor Independent in print or online?

Yes, I receive home delivery of the print newspaper.  34%

Yes, I have a digital subscription.  7%

No, I do not subscribe.  57%


When I read The Ann Arbor Independent, I always read (please select all that apply):

Front page news  18%

Public safety news  10%

Education news  7%

State news  13%

Local news  17%

Books & Movies section  7%

Personal Health section  4%

Op-eds/Columns  15%

Obits  5%


If you do not presently subscribe to The Ann Arbor Independent, please tell us why (please select all that apply):

I prefer to read the free content online.  12%

A subscription is too costly.  6%

The content does not meet my needs or expectations.  25%

I don’t subscribe to any print newspapers.  31%

I am not a resident of Ann Arbor.  25%


The newspaper does not accept paid or unpaid advertising from local, county or state government, the public schools or local universities. Does this:

Give you more confidence is the paper’s editorial independence?  72%

Give you less confidence in the paper’s editorial independence?  0%

Make no difference to you when evaluating the newspaper’s editorial content?  28%


The newspaper offers free advertising to small, locally-owned businesses, and nonprofits. Does this:

Make it more likely you would view the newspaper favorably?  70%

Make it less likely you would view the newspaper favorably?  0%

Make no difference in how you view the newspaper.  29%


Which other print or online local news source do you read? (Please select all of the news sources you read.)

The Ann Arbor News  32%

The Ann Arbor Observer  17%

The Ann Magazine  7%

Concentrate Media  4%

The Michigan Daily  11%  16%

Washtenaw Now  1%

A2 Journal  7%


When you visit the newspaper online, how many articles do you generally read?

1-2  28%

3-4  38%

5-6  19%

7+   14%


If you read the print newspaper, do you generally:

Read the newspaper front to back?  55%

Read most of the newspaper’s articles?  11%

Read some of the newspaper’s articles?  11%

Read a few of the newspaper’s articles?  22%


What kind of content would you like us to add in future? (Please select as many topics as you like.)

College sports  10%

Prep sports  5%

International news  16%

News about surrounding areas (i.e. Dexter, Pittsfield)  21%

Automotive news  13%

None of these  18%

Other  13%


The quality of the reporting/writing published in The Ann Arbor Independent is:

Excellent  50%

Above average  36%

Average  9%

Below average  4%


Would you recommend The Ann Arbor Independent to another reader?

Yes.  54%

No.  4%

I already have. 20%

I’m not sure yet.  20%


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