EDITORIAL: Money for Lansing Lobbyist a Questionable Expense

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AT ITS JUNE 16th meeting, Ann Arbor City Council members once again approved a contract with Governmental Consultant Services Inc. for lobbying services. GCSI has been paid to lobby in Lansing on behalf of the city of Arbor since 2001. Kirk Profit’s firm also lobbies for Ypsilanti, Ypsilanti Township, Washtenaw County, the University of Michigan and Washtenaw Community College. According to the Michigan Campaign Finance Network, Profit’s lobbying firm—Governmental Consultant Services Inc (GCSI)—spent $1.6 million lobbying Lansing pols in  2013. GCSI was the top-spending lobbying firm in the state.

It should have raised eyebrows that Mr. Profit has repeatedly been caught by the Michigan Campaign Finance Network “lobbying” Senator Rebekah Warren at Ann Arbor’s expense.

Finally, we believe Mr. Profit’s roster of local clients presents a quandary. While Ann Arbor wants more state profit sharing funds, U-M officials clamor for more state funding, as well. Which client does Mr. Profit lobby on behalf of when urging state officials to allocate more money to education or to road repair? His clients compete against each other for state funding, and no lobbyist can represent all of them equitably.

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