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The Ann Arbor Independent’s Editorial Board shapes this newspaper’s unsigned editorials. The Board members, volunteers who share their views and expertise, do not contribute to the creation of the newspaper’s other content.

The Editorial Board meets monthly to discuss issues which they believe are of particular importance to the community at large.

The Editorial Board does not endorse in local, county, state or national political races or when there are ballot questions put before voters. This newspaper’s mission is to educate voters so that they may make up their own minds.

To nominate an individual for an appointment to the Editorial Board, please send nominations to Board@A2Indy.com. Likewise, comments and suggestions about the unsigned editorials shaped by Editorial Board members may be sent to Board@A2Indy.com.

Readers may submit letters to the editor in response to all of the newspaper’s editorial content by sending them to opinion@A2Indy.com.

On July 4th, The Ann Arbor Independent will sponsor an event at Top of the Park. The Editorial Board is pleased to announce that Democratic, Republican, Independent and non-partisan candidates seeking local, county, state and national elected offices will gather for a Meet and Greet to which this newspaper’s readers, advertisers and guests have been invited.

The gathering represents what we believe is the primary mission of this independent newspaper—to present a variety of viewpoints and opinions.

The A2Indy will publish a comprehensive Voter Guide on July 30. The Guide will include candidate interviews, voting and campaign finance records.

The August 2014 Voter Guide will be available in PDF format online, as well as in print. The Guide will include partisan as well as non-partisan elections.

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