LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Ward 5 Council Member Faces Questions from Public and Council Members about His Ethics

I have never met Alan Goldsmith, but I have read hundreds of his comments posted to local news sites. Dr. Goldsmith called for an investigation of Council woman Marcia Higgins’ attendance record. To the credit of AnnArbor.com the news site did eventually do so and presented the facts to the public. If Dr. Goldsmith suggested that Chuck Warpehoski’s behavior with respect to the transit millage needed to be looked at more closely, The Indy was wise to do so. Thank you for listening and thank you for providing the facts.

The public has to decide whether the council member has been unwise to throw his public support — and that of the non-profit he heads — behind a millage which could benefit his wife.

P. Adams

Ann Arbor, MI

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