LETTER TO THE EDITOR: An Open Letter To Mayor And Council Concerning The Homeless In Ann Arbor

Dear Mayor and Council,

The Mayor, with the help of a couple city councilors and Mary Jo Callan, assured us at their January 6 meeting that Ann Arbor city government is functioning just as it should.

However, Ms. Callan was nodding her head when public commentators asked for an emergency shelter.  During the last few days as I’ve learned much about our homeless situation. I was told that Shelter Association of Washtenaw County Executive Director Ellen Schulmeister also wants the city to open an emergency shelter.  What’s actually needed is an emergency plan for the city.  What happens when we have tornadoes, ice storms, or extended power outages?

Jack Eaton was the only CM to speak on emergency shelter needs at council communication time. Several people have echoed my surprise (shock really) that after a public commentary segment full of this topic there was no discussion by council.

I’ve learned there are a myriad of reasons why people are homeless and that while the Delonis Center is fantastic, many simply cannot use that resource.  The homeless in A2 are uncountable and surely number in the 100’s at least—including families and children.  Camp Take Notice was doing a superb job of housing many who can’t use Delonis. Others camp on their own. Others couch serf or sleep in their cars. But, in extreme situations everyone wants to come in from death’s door.  Especially at night.

The list of shelters given by Ms. Callan is misleading because most are small, don’t accept pets, some only accept women (or men or families) and are full. We should not be scrambling to save lives. Right now we have an emergency, almost a disaster.  Though our city is small, most of us do not personally know homeless people.  But an ice storm for instance could knock out power for hundreds of families. Some could be people we know who are looking for a warm place to go.


Libby Hunter

Sheri Wander

Cendra Lynn

Jane Klingsten

Carolyn Grawi

Ann Arbor

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