Ann Arbor State Representative Jeff Irwin Introduced 16 Bills, 5 Resolutions & 7 Amendments During 2013
ANN ARBOR’S 53RD District Representative Jeff Irwin introduced 16 bills between January and December 2013. All of the Irwin’s bills were referred to committees, where they remain. Those bills included one to legalize marijuana, a bill to require more foreign language credits of high school students for graduation and a bill to eliminate Michigan’s same-sex marriage ban.
Two of his five resolutions passed by voice votes. He also introduced seven amendments to a variety of bills. Six of the seven proposed amendments failed by voice votes and one, which offered a substitute to 2013 House Resolution 94: Day of Silence, passed on a voice vote.

Below, you’ll find a list of the legislative work done by Representative Irwin during 2013:
Introduced 2013 House Bill 5171: Revise environmental law details
December 4, 2013, to extend for another year a number of rules promulgated by the Department of Environmental Quality related to environmental contamination response activities, and to PCBs, which under a 2012 law were supposed to be rescinded at the end of 2013. The bill would also modify other technical details of the law governing environmental cleanup criteria.
Introduced 2013 House Resolution 224: Gaming Control Board; Charitable Gaming
September 24, 2013, to request that the Michigan Gaming Control Board reconsider recent regulatory proposals regarding charitable gaming.
Introduced 2013 House Bill 4911: Require warrant to use or disclose cell phone GPS data
July 18, 2013, to prohibit law enforcement agents from using a cell phone GPS to obtain or disclose the location of an individual, unless they obtain a warrant or the person’s permission.
Introduced 2013 House Bill 4909: Repeal ban on same-sex marriage
July 18, 2013, to eliminate the state ban on same-sex marriage. Enactment of the bill would require adoption of House Joint Resolution V or another constitutional amendment repealing this ban.
Introduced 2013 House Bill 4900: Impose new regulations on gas and oil “fracking”
July 18, 2013, to prohibit the extraction of natural gas using “hydraulic fracturing” unless a driller discloses extensive details on the particular well and the chemicals used in the process, applies for permission, is granted a permit by state environmental regulators and more.
Introduced 2013 House Bill 4841: Create “pesticide application registry”
June 13, 2013, to require the state to create a “pesticide application registry” where individuals could register who wish to be notified before the application of pesticides on a property adjacent to their home. Commercial pest control companies would have to check the registry before each job and notify neighbors who have registered for this.
Introduced 2013 House Bill 4721: Require “comprehensive sexuality” classes in public schools
May 14, 2013, to require public schools to offer sex education classes that include “comprehensive sexuality education that is medically accurate and age-appropriate for all grade levels.”
Introduced 2013 House Bill 4712: Revise high school graduation language requirement
May 9, 2013, to revise the foreign language requirement in the high school graduation requirements adopted in a 2006 law. The bill would increase this from two to four credits, but allow two of these to be granted for a “combination of other learning experiences and credits” that the state Department of Education deems to be “substantially equivalent.”
Introduced 2013 House Bill 4618:
April 24, 2013, to charge in-state tuition at state universities and colleges to most resident aliens, including illegal aliens who entered the country as a child and have been granted a deferral from prosecution by an executive order styled after a proposed federal “dream act” law.
Introduced 2013 House Bill 4623: Repeal criminal penalties for marijuana possession
April 24, 2013, to repeal criminal sanctions on possession of 1 ounce or less of marijuana, and instead authorize a civil penalty of $25, and $50 to $100 for subsequent violations.
Introduced 2013 House Resolution 94: Day of Silence
April 18, 2013, to declare April 19, 2013, as a Day of Silence in the state of Michigan. Passed by voice vote in the House on April 18, 2013.
Introduced 2013 House Resolution 70: U.S. Customs and Border Protection
March 19, 2013, to urge the Congress of the United States to enact legislation that prohibits U.S. Customs and Border Protection from conducting stops and searches without probable cause outside the immediate vicinity of the border or its functional equivalent and that limits the scope of inquiries to border security purposes.
Introduced 2013 House Resolution 69: Barbershop Harmony Week
March 19, 2013, to declare April 7-13, 2013, as Barbershop Harmony Week in the state of Michigan. Passed by voice vote in the House on March 19, 2013.
Introduced 2013 House Bill 4146: Tax credit for teacher out-of-pocket expenses
January 30, 2013, to authorize an income tax credit of up to $1,000, $2,000 on a joint return, for classroom supplies purchased by public school teachers out of their own.
Introduced 2013 House Bill 4058: Allow no-reason absentee voting
January 22, 2013, to eliminate the requirement that a person give a specific reason for requesting an absentee ballot.
Introduced 2013 House Bill 4059: Grant property tax breaks for certain energy conversion devices
January 22, 2013, to exempt certain small scale energy devices to exempt certain small scale solar, wind, biomass, hydro or geothermal solar energy conversion devices from property taxes.
Introduced 2013 House Bill 4060: Authorize “second parent adoption”
January 22, 2013, to provide for “second parent adoption” in Michigan law. This is a legal procedure that allows a same-sex parent to adopt her or his partner’s biological or adoptive child without terminating the first parent’s legal status as a parent.
Introduced 2013 House Bill 4061: Impose new regulations on natural gas “fracking” extraction
January 22, 2013, to prohibit the extraction of natural gas using “hydraulic fracturing” unless a driller discloses extensive details on the particular well and the chemicals used in the process, applies for permission, is granted a permit by state environmental regulators and more.
Introduced 2013 House Bill 4062: Preempt local wind measurement tower restrictions
January 22, 2013, to preempt local zoning ordinances from prohibiting towers and associated equipment for measuring wind speed in agricultural areas, and establish state setback requirements for these from roads and structures.
Introduced 2013 House Bill 4063: Require response to drivers license organ donor inquiry
January 22, 2013, to not issue a drivers license to a person who fails to respond to the question on Secretary of State application forms, or asked verbally in SOS offices, regarding whether a driver license applicant wishes to participate in an organ donor registry. However, “respond” would include simply stating, “I decline to answer.”
Introduced 2013 House Joint Resolution B: Allow graduated state income tax
January 22, 2013, to place before voters in the next general election a constitutional amendment to eliminate its prohibition on a graduated income tax (as opposed to Michigan’s current flat tax). The measure does not specify a rate structure. Once the Constitution is changed the legislature could set rates without the approval of the voters..
7 Amendments Introduced by Representative Jeff Irwin
Offered an amendment to 2013 Senate Bill 404: Revise landfill performance bond detail
November 14, 2013, to increase the state “tipping fee” tax imposed on dumping in landfills, from 12 cents per-cubic yard to 50 cents per yard. The amendment failed by voice vote in the House on November 14, 2013.
Offered an amendment to 2013 Senate Bill 652: Establish state Appeals Court as venue for suits against the state
November 5, 2013, to remove a proposed limitation on the court of claims retrying cases decided by juries. The amendment failed by voice vote in the House on November 5, 2013.
Offered an amendment to 2013 Senate Bill 652: Establish state Appeals Court as venue for suits against the state
November 5, 2013, to make explicit that the court of claims does not have jurisdiction over claims against the state related to an employee who is acting outside the scope of his or her government duties. The amendment failed by voice vote in the House on November 5, 2013.
Offered an amendment to 2013 Senate Bill 652: Establish state Appeals Court as venue for suits against the state
November 5, 2013, to make the proposed change prospective only, so that it only applies to future cases, not pending cases. The amendment failed by voice vote in the House on November 5, 2013.
Offered an amendment to 2013 Senate Bill 652: Establish state Appeals Court as venue for suits against the state
November 5, 2013, to require the Supreme Court to randomly select the four Court of Appeals judges who will serve as the Court of Claims. The amendment failed by voice vote in the House on November 5, 2013.
Offered an amendment to 2013 House Bill 4465: Lower high school graduation standards
June 5, 2013, to tie-bar the bill to House Bills 4466 and 4712, meaning this bill cannot become law unless those ones do also. Those bills propose additional changes in current standards. The amendment failed by voice vote in the House on June 5, 2013.
Offered a substitute to 2013 House Resolution 94: Day of Silence
April 18, 2013. The substitute passed by voice vote in the House on April 18, 2013.