MCFN Again Lists Sen. Rebekah Warren Among Pols Accepting Most Lobbyist-Paid Hospitality

IN SEPTEMBER 2011, MLive political analyst Susan J. Demas reported that Ann Arbor’s Democratic State Senator Rebekah Warren was one of only four Michigan legislators who had accepted more than $1,800 in free food and drinks from lobbyists during 2011. In contrast, Ann Arbor State Representative Jeff Irwin, who was elected in 2010 to represent Michigan’s 53rd District (the seat previously held by Warren), didn’t make the 2011 Silver Spoon Supper Club list compiled by the watchdog group Michigan Campaign Finance Network (MCFN).
photoThe MCFN has once again listed Ann Arbor Senator Warren as a member of the Silver Spoon Supper Club. According to the most recent MCFN report, in 2012 Warren accepted $1,787 of “itemized lobbyist hospitality,” less than she did in 2011. Ann Arbor’s state senator dropped from number four on the list in 2011 to number five in 2012.

The lobbying firm that spent the most money on Warren in both 2011 and 2012 was Governmental Consultant Services Inc., (GCSI). “Integrity, diligence, bipartisan. Powerful words synonymous with Governmental Consultant Services.” This is part of the welcome message visitors to the CGSI site hear when they land on the home page.

At its June 18, 2012 meeting, the Ann Arbor City Council approved a $48,000 contract with CGSI. In essence, this means the firm paid to lobby on behalf of Ann Arbor is lobbying the city’s own state senator. Former legislators don’t equivocate when talking about accepting lobbyist-paid meals. Former state Senator Doug Ross, now Detroit Public Schools’ chief innovation officer, never accepted lobbyist-paid meals.

He told the Detroit Free Press: “I went to my first luncheon with the AFL-CIO and they served these little steaks and potatoes, and I brought in a hamburger in a bag. I think they were a little offended. But when I ran for the state Senate in 1978, I told my constituents I would pay for my own lunches. I went out to lunch with lobbyists as much as anybody else because they are a great source of information, but I’d say, ‘Let’s split the tab.’”

While Democrat Rebekah Warren accepted lobbyist-paid meals at a clip in 2011 and 2012, fellow Democrat, Representative Vickie Barnett of Farmington Hills, employs a different strategy when meeting with lobbyists.

“I buy my own lunch,” she said.

Warren is not the only Democrat on the Silver Spoon Supper Club list. Michigan Representative Harold Haugh appeared at number three on the 2012 list, and Democrat Gretchen Whitmer was number six on the list.  

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